Follow them to cause trouble

Feng nongtang and Jian Jie did not know about Xia Xuanmo and Rong nuo, so they were annoyed that Xia Xuanmo was getting engaged behind their backs.

Feng nongtang asked Jian Yi and Liancheng Yazhi, " "in the end, he launched a surprise attack. engagement party my ass, i don't even want to go. hey, are you guys still going? If you guys aren't going, I'm not going either."

the two of them didn't speak. rong yan smiled and said, " "Yes, why not? it's not worth it not to go and see such a lively event."

feng nongtang looked at the smile on rong yan's face and suddenly felt a chill all over his body. he always felt that there was an indescribable coldness in rong yan's smile, which made him a little horrified.

Even Liancheng Yazhi was a little scared. Rong Yan's smile looked like she was going to eat someone.