tang zong's gift appears

those people had been deceived by tang zong's appearance. only those from the tang family who knew tang zong's true colors would know how big a 'bomb' this kid's gift would be.

Tang Ziyu grabbed her mother's hand with all her might, and only then did she get a little bit of energy. She was not moved by Tang Zong's words at all. She pointed in the direction of the entrance and cursed, " "Tang Zong, you lunatic! Get out of my engagement party!"

Of course, Tang Zong wouldn't leave. Instead, he took a step forward with a smile on his face. cousin, where have you learned your manners all these years? uncle and Auntie should be more rude. You're the young lady of the Tang family, how could you be so bad? it's too embarrassing. Even if it's an ordinary guest, you should welcome them well. Besides, we're cousins whose blood is thicker than water.