Wait to see his miserable end

liancheng yazhi laughed. it would be a wonder if kang xi would help feng nongtang with this kind of thing. he must be watching the fun from the side, waiting to see feng nongtang's 'miserable end'. "You've really decided to just hide like this?"

"Of course. Why else would I come to you?"

Liancheng Yazhi nodded. alright, ran ran, I'll provide you with a place. However, you can only stay for a week. If you're not willing to go back after a week, don't blame me for selling your information, ran ran.

Feng nongtang gritted his teeth, " "yingluo, you're so sinister. fine, one week then, yingluo."

"Let's go. Get in the car with me first. After Secretary Zhou sends me home, I'll ask him to take you."

At the side, Secretary Zhou was extremely curious. What could have happened to make young master ya, who usually didn't have much emotional fluctuations, laugh like that? he didn't even care about his image!

After getting in the car, Feng nongtang finally breathed a sigh of relief.