Chapter 1044-pincer attack, life and death on the line

Liancheng Yazhi counted the sounds of the engines. A total of four cars from the front and back came at the same time.

The glaring headlights in front of them made it hard for them to open their eyes. They were driving at an extremely fast speed and were coming towards them. It looked like they were going to crash their car into a discus.

The situation was extremely critical at the moment. If they got out of the car, they might be targeted by the killers in the other two cars.

If they didn't get out of the car, they would still be dead. The two cars in front and behind were rushing up at full speed. When the front and back collided, even the most powerful car would be smashed into a metal plate. At that time, the door would be deformed, and they wouldn't be able to get out even if they wanted to. Even if they weren't killed, they would be caught like a turtle in a jar.

"Young master ya, what should we do now?" the driver was trembling in fear.