Don't let yourself catch a cold

Liancheng Yazhi stood in the cold wind and watched as Kang Xi got into the car. The lights lit up, the car started, reversed, turned around, and then disappeared into the night!

once again, liancheng yazhi felt that the cold wind tonight was abnormal. it was as if he was frozen and unable to move.

after a long time, liancheng yazhi slowly exhaled. white smoke drifted out of his mouth and covered his handsome face. he said indifferently, " "No matter what, you have to come back. Otherwise, I won't keep my word."

People who could be called friends, brothers, and life-and-death friends were only a few around Liancheng Yazhi. Now that Xia Xuanmo was gone, he could not lose Kang Yu.

Liancheng Yazhi turned around and opened the door to get in.

The cold air from his body rushed into the car, making Rong Yan shiver. However, she still grabbed Liancheng Yazhi's cold hand immediately.