You're not allowed to go back on your promise

Tang Zong's face was filled with excitement. you said it yourself. You're not allowed to go back on your word. When I return, if you're still locked inside, I'm going to blow this door up with explosives.

Rong nuo gritted her teeth. yes, I said it. You go now!

"I'll go now, don't worry!" Tang Zong ran away happily.

Rong nuo held the door frame and silently prayed in her heart: Please don't let anything happen to


The mall was still under lockdown.

Liancheng Yazhi asked someone to get food and drinks for Rong Yan. She was both mentally and physically exhausted now and could not hold on much longer. Liancheng Yazhi's heart ached for her.

He squatted in front of Rong Yan and comforted her. be good and eat well. I promise you that we can still sleep with meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeow tonight.

Rong Yan's face was frighteningly pale. can I really? "