Chapter 1579-the last hope

After the director finished speaking, he put down the three test reports and looked at the three people in front of him.

Rong Yan was expressionless. It seemed that no matter what the result was, she would not be very surprised. No one knew what she was thinking in her heart now.

Gu Hesheng, on the other hand, looked at Rong Yan. His hands trembled with excitement. He wanted to hug Rong Yan, but he restrained himself.

Lu guinong felt as if a bolt of lightning had struck her, and she was instantly struck dumb. Rong Yan was Lu Xueli's last hope, and now that the principal had said his last word, this hope was destroyed.

when madam lu heard the news, her eyes rolled and she fell to the ground!

Lu guinong's eyes were bloodshot as he raised his head to look at the principal, his voice hoarse, " "Tell me, what do you mean? What do you mean by that?"