As long as we get married, you'll be my brother

Anyway, he had suffered so many losses at Liancheng Yazhi's hands. Tang Zong did not dare to trust him easily anymore.

Moreover, wasn't this matter a little too good?

It was so good that it felt a little unreal!

Would Liancheng Yazhi be so kind as to let him and Rong nuo be together so easily?

There was also Rong Yan. That big sister was even more difficult to deal with. Recently, Tang Zong had been thinking about how to marry Rong nuo from Liancheng Yazhi and his wife. He had thought of all kinds of difficulties, but he had never thought that one day, Liancheng Yazhi would take the initiative to discuss his marriage with Rong nuo.

Tang Zong suddenly felt that the sun by the sea today wasn't hot at all. It was very warm, just like the spring breeze. Why did it feel so warm that it made him feel like he was floating?