Gritting her teeth in hatred

Mo zhongkai knew that the lawyers hired by Liancheng Yazhi were definitely not a bunch of good-for-nothings. These people just sat there calmly, as if everything was under their control. It was really annoying.

however, it seemed that they had also begun to attack.

Mo zhongkai glanced at lawyer Qian. After a brief exchange of glances, they could see the worry in each other's eyes.

Liancheng Yazhi's lawyer first used the projector to play a short clip, which showed the authentic calligraphy and painting that mo ding's father had changed.

Liancheng Yazhi's lawyer stood up and slowly said in a magnetic voice, " This famous painting was made by the famous master painter Huang Shi in his later years a thousand years ago. As for how good this painting is and how high its artistic value is, I won't say it. Anyone who has a little understanding of it knows that it can only be described in two words-priceless.