The boss is giving out red packets

Liancheng Yazhi was not going anywhere now. He had to protect Rong Yan at all times.

After that, Liancheng Yazhi called Secretary Zhou.

now that rong yan was awake, it was time to announce the fact that the liancheng family had a little master.

After hanging up the phone, Secretary Zhou happily gestured a 'yay' at the computer.

He knew that young Madam would wake up. Young Madam was such a blessed person. How could she not be able to survive this? however, the best thing was that young master ya had finally come back to life.

secretary zhou sighed and opened a multi-layered encrypted folder on his computer. there were a few photos inside. they were photos of him when he was young. there was a group photo with great-grandfather fang and two photos with the young liancheng yazhi.