Daddy won't leave this time

Mu weibai hesitated for a moment before nodding at Rong Yan with a smile.

Rong Yan also felt a little embarrassed. She smiled."then i'll get someone to clean up a guest room. i've left some food for you in the kitchen. i've already asked them to heat it up again. it'll be done soon. don't you two have to take a shower first, yingluo?"

"It's too troublesome," mu weibai said.

it's nothing. It's no trouble at all. You guys should get some rest after eating.

Liancheng Yazhi pulled her and sped up. hurry up and go in. It's too cold outside, Yueyue.

In the end, before he entered, he saw Tang Zong running out of the living room with brother-in-law, it's really you. Big sister's guess is so accurate. Meow meow meow, look, your father is back.

喵喵伸出两个小爪子,骑在唐纵脖子上摇晃两条小短腿,高声喊:"Daddy, Yingluo"