Young master ya really loves his sister

He wouldn't wear clothes that other people had worn. No matter how good his brothers were, he wouldn't wear them. He also wouldn't share a pair of chopsticks and a bowl when they ate together.

but now, in front of so many people, he was actually using a spoon and a bowl of porridge. it was simply too shocking.

kang yu had thought that liancheng yazhi probably took care of rong yan for fun because he never had any siblings. maybe he suddenly felt lonely?

Moreover, after Liancheng Yazhi's grandfather passed away, his father was the only one left in the family. In the end, the old master kept going against him, and now that the old master was sent away, the house was deserted and must be particularly lonely. At this time, it was normal for him to raise a little girl to keep her company. However, it was a little impossible to be a child bride. After all, she was too young, and no one could say for sure what the future would be.