It's useless to say anything

Before Mu Qing 'AI could say anything, her assistant stood up and shouted, " "What? You're going too far by making us wait for so long."

Mu Qing 'AI had a good reputation as an internationally famous jewelry designer, so people would usually give them some face wherever they went.

this was the first time he had lost face like this.

No, they were also rejected at the Liancheng group's office the last time. It was just as embarrassing.

Mu Qing 'AI's hands clenched tightly. She had thought that she would definitely be able to get in this time, but she didn't expect Rong Yan to be so insensible as to call Liancheng Yazhi.

Mu Qing 'AI gritted her teeth. She was filled with hatred, so she didn't stop her assistant when she was making a fuss.