Begging young master ya to have mercy

Liancheng Yazhi impatiently said, "it's very late. I don't have time to care about you. Go back to where you should go. We should leave too.

He was now standing by the road with Xiao Qian, waiting for a taxi. He was a little regretful that he didn't arrange for a car in advance. Now that he was standing by the road in the middle of the night, he couldn't get a taxi.

Ye Chunfeng didn't leave. She hesitated for a while and said, " "Um, young master ya, can you not tell my cousin and the others about what happened today?"

Although ye Chunfeng was bold and had a bad temper, his personality was no different from that of a man.

however, she was still afraid that the bunch of people at home would nag at her.

liancheng yazhi did not even consider it and said directly, " "I can't,"

He still had to tell Feng nongtang about this.

Ye Chunfeng was a woman who dared to get drunk alone in a bar. If they hadn't happened to run into him today, they might have run into something.