Winter is back

Ye Chunfeng said angrily, " it's her fault for picking on me like that. I'm already very cautious and humble in front of her. I've never been like that in front of my parents, but she's not happy about it. She's been picking on me. You don't know, that day, she asked me to go to her house for dinner. Before I could even move my chopsticks, a woman came. That woman is the daughter-in-law that she has her eyes on. The way they act in front of others is really deep. Those who don't know would think that they're mother and daughter.

that's fine, but then she told the woman that the table was full of your favorite dishes and that you should eat more. I wanted to flip the table over.

she asked me to go for a meal, but in the end, she got me a table full of other people's favorite food. She really thinks I care about the meal at her house.