
Notice:- Edited on November 2nd 2023.


I am feeling lost - Which is kind of normal when you wake up after dying in a world as someone you don't remember being. No memories, nothing. What should I do from here on out? I have no idea where to get started with anything. How do I even get stronger? Work out?

Wait, no that's not what I should be contemplating right now. Think about what transpired in the past few hours. I observed some chap riding a dragon and battling with winged humans. He summoned flames out of thin air and slaughtered everyone. Was that even real? I mean, my whole situation itself isn't normal in the first place.

[Do you have any additional questions?] A voice in my head interrupts my thought process.

I have so many questions that I don't even know which one I should go ahead and ask... Right, she did just mention that the 'imprint' or whatever it was that she left on me will go away, limiting the number of questions I can ask...

"I wish I could just interact with her whenever I want to..." I mutter.

[It's possible.] An unexpected response.

Well, that's one piece of good news.

[You simply have to establish a spiritual connection with me. Once that's done, it would be possible for you to speak with me telepathically. Sharing your sight and senses with me will also be possible.]

"That sounds neat and all, but how do we establish this spiritual connection that you speak of?"

[It's simple. Leave the Rift, and get into contact with my spiritual body. I will take care of the rest from there.]

"What's the Rift, and how do I leave it?"

[The Rift is... There isn't much time for me to explain it to you right now. You only need to chant 'αφήνω' in your mind.] For some reason, I can sense a bit of urgency in her words. Maybe because the imprint is dying out?

Well then, let's do this - αφήνω. ('Leave' in Greek.)

The next moment, my vision blacks out as I feel all the strength wash away from my body. Following that, I find myself in the infinitely-extending white space I had been in earlier.

And, here she goes again - materializing in front of me.

"Let's get this done fast, as your body in the Rift is unconscious at the moment." She casually says.

Wait, why didn't she warn me about it earlier if that's the case? I would've moved my body to somewhere comfy so that it would seem like I'm sleeping. I've already worried the silver-haired girl enough for today.

"Are you Juno?" I ask her.


The guy, what was his name again? Ah, Janus, had mentioned it in the 'message' he had left me. I was already almost certain of it, but just had to make sure of it.

"So, what do we do now?" I curiously ask.

Juno moves closer and stops about one an arms length away from me. She then proceeds to turn around and sit on her knees while saying, "Do as I do and align your back with mine."

I do just that and sit behind her. A few seconds after that, I feel some sort of energy stirring within me with a sense of closeness to Juno being established. I assume that's the spiritual connection that she spoke of. It feels very weird. It's like I can feel what she feels, and think what she thinks. I can feel my emotions through her. This is a lot more bizarre than what I was expecting.

"Now that the connection has been established, I suggest that you return to the Rift as soon as possible. Getting familiar with your physical body and getting stronger should be your top priorities right now," Juno says as she gets back up on her feet. "To return to the Rift, you simply will for it to happen."

"Got it. Sounds easy enough."

I take a moment to imagine being back in that body that should be unconscious right now, and the next thing I know, the perpetual white space around me has changed.

Right now, I am lying on my back on the ground. I get up and take a look at the window, only to realize that it's already dark outside. Surely, I must have been unconscious for a while...

I take a look at the girl that is somehow still sleeping by the bed. After a moment of hesitation, I approach her and reach out to her face. Stroking her cheek, I feel its softness through the tip of my fingers.

She visibly flinches, and a few seconds later, slowly opens her eyes. She seems to be a little dazed in the beginning, but suddenly, as if remembering something, gets up abruptly and looks beside her on the bed.

Seeing the empty bed, she panics and turns around, resulting in her making eye contact with me.

With tears building up in the corner of her eyes, she jumps into my chest and starts weeping silently.

"Don't leave too. Don't be like dad and mom and leave me as well. Idiot!" She exclaims softly as tears roll down her cheeks.

I don't know the reason, but I suddenly have a feeling of loss building up within me. Almost instinctively, I embrace her back. Are these the emotions of my current body? Must be. The affection held for the fragile girl is by no means small. I can practically feel a surge of emotions flowing within me... Sorrow, grief, and many others that I've never felt before in my previous life.

This girl... the death of her parents must've taken a toll on her mentality. Thinking about it, what am I to her? I assumed she was my girlfriend earlier, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Sister? Most likely based on what she just said.

I hold her tightly, and let her cry to her heart's content.

After a few minutes, she stops and backs away from me as I loosen my arms. She looks into my eyes for a few seconds, then proceeds to turn around and leave the room.

I... wasn't prepared for this...


After a few minutes of deliberation, I leave the room and explore the house I'm in. A strange feeling of familiarity hits me as I examine the rural-looking house. It's quite a cozy house if I must say.

After taking a few more steps, I smell something being cooked. I make my way to the source of the scent and find the girl, presumably my sister, cooking in an apron.

She's wearing a white one-piece dress with frills on the arms and back. The black apron she has on top suits her attire really well, especially the pair of black ribbons that are tied to her hair.

Seemingly just noticing my arrival, she looks my way for a few seconds, before getting back to cooking.

I move towards a table made of plain brown wood and take a seat on one of the two chairs. After a few minutes, dinner is ready. She places the food on the table and takes a seat on the chair opposite mine.

We eat our meal silently, and once we're done, I leave the house to check out the surroundings, while she makes her way to the room I was in before.

After taking a good look outside, I get a general idea of where we are. The countryside. I had always seen it on TV... Huh, I remember that much... Anyway, even if I've seen it on there, I haven't been there personally. The moonlight lights up the darkness, and the sound of cicadas can be heard. So peaceful...

Several minutes later, I head back into the house, locking the door behind me as I do so. Once inside, I find my sister(?) waiting for me.

"Sleep with me tonight." She says while holding the black stuffed rabbit I had seen earlier.

I guess she is still feeling unwell. It's most likely my fault, so I can't exactly refuse. Not to mention the fact that I feel extremely guilty for not remembering anything about her or myself. Even the parents she mentioned earlier... I can't even begin to imagine her reaction if she were to realize that I don't remember her. So, I simply nod and move towards the room.

I lie down on the bed, waiting for her to do the same. It takes her a little while, but in the end, she gets on the bed and lies down beside me. She closes her eyes and doesn't utter a single word from there.

After a good while, I look over at her petite body. Her breathing is rhythmic right now, indicating that she is asleep. I sense a great urge to embrace her, but I resist it. However, after a few minutes, I am unable to hold myself back, as I slowly and carefully pull her towards myself. With that done, I hold her close to myself as I slowly drift off to sleep.


I open my eyes and notice that it's the morning. Feeling the softness within my arms, I realize that I'm still holding her tightly. My twin sister, Sora...

I remember now. Not my previous life, no, I remember the past of my current body. And I must say, WHAT THE F-.

What is this?! The tragedy! All right, drama aside; seriously, what the hell is this. What is this past? Locked lips with my little sister when we were just kids due to feelings that built up after being separated for so long and then encountering her again, then I was raped by my childhood friend a few years later. We moved away from here, and the next thing we know, our parents passed away. Having nowhere else to go, we move to our grandparent's house; the house we're in at the moment.

I take a deep breath and look at Sora's face. I reach out my left hand and begin stroking her left cheek. The affections I currently hold for her have grown by a huge amount now that I have the memories. Not only that, but the urges I had last night are now present, albeit at a frighteningly increased intensity.

I try to think of other matters to settle urges. For instance, what am I supposed to do from now on? Do we have sufficient wealth to sustain ourselves as well as our education? I need to find a way to make some quick cash. No, even before that, I need to do as Juno told me, and get accustomed to my body.

With that, I get up from the bed, intending to head out of the house. However, I feel a tug on my shirt as I turn to leave. Turning around, I find Sora with her torso lifted off the bed as she peers into my eyes.

"Anything wrong?" I ask in a soft tone.

"Where are you going?"

"Outside. I want to do some morning exercise."

She gives me a doubtful look as she says, "You never do that."

"True," I respond before I approach the bed and sit on one side while facing her, "but, think of it - we now have an opportunity to live a new life. A completely different one than back in the city. For one, I think making our lives more productive will be for the best."

Sora simply stares at my face with a slight frown marring her face, but after a while she exhales and says, "If you say so."

Smiling at this, I move closer before giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "You should work on yourself as well."

Sora is stunned. Immensely so. She has a bewildered look on her face as she remains frozen still. Seeing that she won't be breaking out of that state anytime soon, I give her a quick pat on the head before I get up from the bed.

Now then... time for a little workout. I am rather curious about my current strength and stamina...