Pizza Sauce

Notice:- Edited on November 10th 2023.


"You can turn invisible?" I question her curiously.

She stares at me for a short while before canceling her invisibility and standing in a more relaxed manner before saying, "No, it isn't invisibility. My power allows me to make myself invisible to one person, while any bystander can see me normally."

"That's true; all I saw was her attempting to punch you. Only for you to somehow dodge it..." adds the freak with a thousand injuries.

Now then... that's one stupid and incomplete power to have. It would've been much more amazing if she could make herself completely invisible. However, that doesn't necessarily mean it's a useless one. After all, if my senses weren't so... inhuman, I would've most likely had to take that punch (like a champ). In short, it's very useful for one on one situations against an opponent that can't deal with it.

"As you might have realized, you aren't the only one with supernatural powers. These powers are considered to be an illness that will disappear in due time, that is, adolescence. Until that happens, I would like you to commute to our school, Hoshinoumi Academy," the girl explains.

"Literally, why?"

"I've already gotten permission from those that have parental authority over you," she adds as-a-matter-of-factly.

Before I could say anything in return to her reasoning, she continues, "However, I'm sure you'd be popular with your looks. Did you really need to play the role of a cheater? Though, that did help close the gap between you and that girl you were targeting."

"Listen, I was just bored. Besides, I never cared about the female student that you speak of. Something must've gotten into me and affected my mind. I'd much rather go for someone like you." I attempt to dismiss her taunting by making her feel awkward.

Against my expectations, she turns transparent once again and attempts to kick me. Such a kick would never be able to reach me, as I easily block it by grabbing her foot with my left hand. I drag it towards myself and hold her closely before whispering into her ear, "You're much more eager than I thought you'd be."

Suddenly, I sense a punch being thrown at me from behind, source being the weirdo with glasses. I let go of Nao and redirect the punch, grab him from under his shoulder, and throw him a good six meters away. Following which, he crash-lands and rolls for a few seconds before coming to a stop.

"Too slow," I taunt.

Nao pushes me away and steps back a few times. Then, she casts a glance at the glasses weirdo before sighing and saying, "I would like to sincerely invite you to join our school. For that matter, we would like you to become a part of the student council."

Hm... I realize that I don't exactly have much of a choice in the matter. I have a history as a cheater thanks to the original owner of this body, making it impossible for me to return to my old school. Running around like a headless chicken won't accomplish much either, logically speaking. So, I can only hope this school they're talking about isn't some shady organization or something. (Maybe I should hope it is, so I can gain some combat experience?)

"Also for that matter, we find people who use their abilities unwisely, such as you and get them to transfer to our school."

All right, I'm sold. Basically, the school is a hotspot for people with supernatural abilities. That sounds fun and not a waste of time to me.

"Fine. This better be worth it." I state with mock annoyance.

I notice the glasses weirdo getting up and approaching us. He stands in front of me, extends his arm and says, "Welcome to Hoshinoumi Academy. I look forward to working with you."

"Me too," I say as I take his hand.


I finally reached my home in this world. Not bothering with anything else, I unlock the door and step right inside.

"Welcome back, Brother Yu!" A very energetic girl, who just so happens to be my little sister, exclaims.

"Hey, hey. When you were out, we got a super amazing call from uncle! He said that we are going to be transferred to a school that is called... the, uh... what was it? Hoshou- no, no, Hoshi? Ah, Hoshi-noumi Academy! Hey, is it true?" She continues exclaiming.

Already!? Damn, that Nao girl sure wasn't kidding when she said she has already gotten permission... That aside... this girl is rather adorable. Her height is barely reaches my chin. She has long, silky, purple hair that reaches her tailbone. Her violet eyes appear to be glistening, and every single motion of hers exudes a wholesome vibe.

Caught off guard by the cuteness, I am unable to hold myself back from slowly approaching her and patting her head while saying, "It's true. Still, shouldn't you be sad? You're going to be transferring schools, which means leaving your current friends and classmates behind, you know?"

She closes her eyes and listens to me earnestly, and once I'm done, replies, "I know, but that's what smartphones are for! I can call my friends and we can see each other's faces! Also, I can make new friends!"

I chuckle lightly, a little amused by her response.

It's an odd situation. Just a short while ago, I woke up to having gained a twin sister. Now, I am in another world, and have gained an adorable little sister. Yu Otosaka's memories have assimilated with my own (or lack of thereof) to the point that I genuinely see her as my little sister.

With the way she acts and speaks, I would cherish her even if there was no connection between us. After all, she's cute. I like cute.


After being told to sit at the table by Ayumi, I do so and watch as she heads to the kitchen, grabs a plate, and places it in front of me on the table.

"It's Brother Yu's favorite, Omelette Rice!" she exclaims. (A/N:- Exactly what it sounds like - a delicacy of Japanese origins that is mainly eggs (omelette) and rice.)

Hoh... According to Yu's memories, he had said that the food was his favorite when they were younger, and she thinks it still is, even though she has been told time and time again it isn't.

I take my spoon and take good portion of the steamy food and eat it. Sweet. Too sweet. Oh, right, fuck... She uses pizza sauce as a "secret ingredient", making it extremely sweet...

As we continue to eat, Ayumi begins talking about some random stuff related to our family members.

"Hey. Ayu sometimes thinks that there was one more person somewhere..." She says. (Apparently, Ayumi refers to herself as "Ayu".)

According to the memories I've received from this body, there is no such person. However, before I can say that, she continues, "It's a weird feeling, but I know it's true."

Well, it doesn't really matter, does it? I fail to see the importance of this person existing or not. Unless it's some kind of weird ass event straight out of a drama, such as us losing memories of him or her due to an accident or something. With the shit that has been happening to me recently, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.


Our futons (mattresses) have been laid down on the floor. I am currently lying on mine and staring at the ceiling while pondering about a variety of stuff. I notice that Ayumi is stargazing through a telescope rather than trying to sleep.

"You should sleep now. You have to wake up early tomorrow for school." I voice.

"Just a little more!" she responds in a quick and upbeat manner.

Letting out a small sigh, I get up from the futon and move behind her, before lifting her up by her armpits. Ayumi lets out a cute yelp as I take a seat near the telescope and place her on my lap. I pull the telescope closer to us and take a quick glance at the starry sky.

Once more, the oddity of my sealed memories strikes me as I easily recall information not pertaining to my personal life; such as the constellations.

"Hey take a look over there. Do you see those four small stars that form the English letter 'y' with three other stars above the open end?"

She looks for a short while and then hums a confirmative "Um!"

"That's a constellation. A constellation are stars that make certain shapes that we recognize. This one is called Cancer," I explain.

"Cancer? Like the terrible sickness?" she asks while cutely tilting her head to one side.

I let out a small chuckle and pat her head, then tell her, "No, they just happen to have the same name. Here, it's referring to crabs."

"I see..." she mutters with a thoughtful look on her face.

And so, I continue telling her about constellations and point a few out to her. After a while, I inform her that it's time to sleep.

"Come here," I beckon to her while patting the pillow to my side on the futon I am lying on.

"Roger that!" she replies as she practically jumps over and lies down beside me.

Some time passes, and just when I think that she has fallen asleep, I hear her softly whisper excitedly, "Hey, Brother Yu, today you were super nice to Ayu! I want us to be together forever and ever!"

I find myself smiling at her antics. Reaching out with my arms so that I can pull her into an embrace, I whisper back, "Of course. I have such a cute little sister, how could I not be nice?"

She giggles a little before closing her eyes and snuggling into my chest. I move my head slightly before kissing the top of her head wishing her goodnight.

This... is not bad in its own way. With all the confusing shit happening recently, getting to enjoy a moment of peace with this adorable girl is quite nice.