Code: Part 1/2

What was that just now? Why was the guy able to use those powers? Those were obviously Joijiro, Nao, and Misa's powers. What's going on?

"Hey Juno, can you tell me anything about the person just now?" , I ask her.

"Negative. I wasn't collecting data during the process, as I deemed it to be unnecessary.", she replies.

Well, I expected as much. But I can't just that let that go as if nothing has happened right? Well, whatever. Next, I ask,

"Regarding the core that you said was the amalgamation of my powers. Can you tell me what they are and am I able to do what the guy in the 'vision' did?"

"Your powers mainly revolve around three major laws: Berserk, Destruction, and Holy."

"You have more affinity with Berserk than Destruction and Holy. Your Holy is the one you have the least amount of affinity with."

"Regarding the manifestation of your Code, you should be able to do so, but the results may vary depending on the power you wish to manifest and your affinity with it."

I see. So the core thing is called a Code, and I have three major powers instead of one. What's with the Berserk though. Is that even considered a power? What does it even do?

"How do I manifest my Code?" , I ask.

"You just have to imagine the power you wish to manifest circulate within you, then put some force into the limb you wish to use to manifest it from.", she replies without missing a beat.

I'm going to start with the weakest one. Why? Because if I manage to screw something up, it won't be as dangerous as Berserk and Destruction itself. I imagine a vibrant yellow light circling within me and as Juno told me to, put some force into my right hand. The next moment, a white glow covers most of my right arm.

The glow suddenly goes away, but in its place, white-veins extend from the tip of my fingers all the way to my shoulder. I clench my right hand, as I do so, thin lines appear at the tip of my fingers. I move my hand to the right; the lines launch in that direction at a terrific speed, slashing across a building in the distance, directly slicing it in half. I observe half of the building fall with a dumbfounded look on my face.

I once again focus on the circulation of the Holy within me, this time putting force into my left hand. The same thing occurs, but this time, instead of white veins, they're green veins. I wave my hand around, but nothing seems to occur.

"Aim at the building you just destroyed with your left hand and then turn your arm slightly to the left.", suddenly Juno informs me.

I do as she says, and what happens next is pretty damn terrific. The lines reappear at the location the building was sliced, and they rotate based on how I move my left hand.

Excited because of my newfound powers, I form more lines with my right hand and launch them forward. I then attempt to make each of the lines stop at different locations in the air, and succeed in doing so.

"Snap your fingers using your left hand." , Juno instructs me.

Upon doing so, the lines formed suddenly extend to the sky and towards each other, forming a wide line of web-like links.

"This time snap the fingers on your right hand."

Once I do that, I feel like I've lost a great deal of energy. I observe the web-like links and notice that they are all getting brighter at a terrifying speed. Then, they abruptly vanish into thin air. I'm confused. Why did it take so much energy to just cancel it?

"It's not what you think it is. Check the streets." Juno says in an amused tone. I have a bad feeling about this...

I checked and what I saw shocked me. People are screaming "I can't see!" , "Help!" , "My eyes!", etc. Cars have crashed into walls and some have even flipped over. Some people are lying on the ground that looks like thugs and are twitching on the ground as they scream in pain.

"Divine retribution,", Juno begins to explain what the heck is going on,

"The 8th strongest manifestation of Holy. As the name says, it punishes sinners for what is considered to be unacceptable by the general population of a specific Platform."

That sounds awesome, but the cost seems to be high though. I don't have much energy left. I notice through my perception Nao, Joijiro, and Yusa coming over. I hurry and jump down from the building and move towards them.

Once I reach them, I see Nao holding her camera recording everything that is happening. The chaos. I hear police and ambulance sirens' sounds getting closer. Taking a good look at the situation, I notice that some people who were covering their eyes have recovered, while the thugs that were twitching on the ground look like they've been roasted alive.

"Use the Holy Essence within you on your eyes."

I circulate the Holy energy within me once again and focus it on my eyes. The next moment, my vision blips, and everything turn into different vibrant colors. The only colors I see are yellow, a darker yellow, grey, and black.

I notice that Yusa has jumped away from me for some reason, and Nao is recording my face. There must be something wrong. I cancel out the Holy effect and act normal as if nothing has happened.

"Is this your doing?" , Nao asks me bluntly.

What do I do? Should I tell them the truth? Ah, screw it,


Nao nods lightly and puts the camera away. She then looks at me in the eye and asks me,

"Who did you take over?"

What? What's that supposed to mean? Does she mean the possessing? Does she think I've used someone's ability to do this while possessing them? I reply calmly,

"No one."

I see her squinting her eyes a little then she says in her usual tone,

"Let's get going. It's getting late."

What was up with that?


I finally get home. Ayumi comes over and exclaims cutely while pouting,

"Why didn't you tell me if you were going to be so late!? You could've at least called me, you know?!"

I feel guilty about it, and don't know how to reply to her.

"I was so worried! Come, check the TV!", she continues then grabs my arm and drags me over to the TV.


I flinch when I see the headline on the news channel. The case has blown up. At least a dozen police cars are in the area. The crowd is going wild. News reporters running around recording everything they can find.

Having had enough of it, I grab the TV remote and switch it off.

"Ehhhh, why?" , Ayumi whines.

"Ignore it. Don't pay attention to stuff like this." I lightly scold her.