
Hey, Irene, I've told Nao that I'm not from this world. Is that going to lead to any consequences?

{Negative. Unless Father is in a Platform where a 3rd Rank or higher Unknown is present, it shouldn't cause you much issue if you tell acquaintances about it. Although, it would definitely attract the attention of curios or authoritative figures if they somehow hear about it.}

Phew. It was highly unprofessional on my part to tell Nao about this without thinking about it carefully. Wait, how do I know if the Unknown present in the Platform I'm in?

{You can tell.}

Another vague answer... I honestly feel like she's doing it on purpose. But, she wasn't wrong. I mean, it worked for the Healing Factor.

Oh crap, I forgot that everyone is beside me right now...

There they all are, just staring at me, wondering about what it is that I plan to tell them about. Taking in a deep breath, I say,

"There is something that you guys need to know."

I take a glance at my side and see that Ayumi is still asleep after the massage. Apparently massages imbued with the Holy Essence feel so comfortable that they make you fall into a deep slumber...

Okay, here goes nothing,

"Listen to me, everyone.",

"I am not from this world. I have come to this world from another one."

Misa, who has taken over Yusa's body, let's out a "Haaa?" as she gives me a look that says "are you an idiot?".

Nao furrows her brows. As for Joijiro, he just grins.

"I've told you before but w-"

Before she can finish the sentence, I already know what she's going to say, so I interrupt her getting on my feet swiftly.

Then, I begin to circulate the Holy Essence within me. Oh, for maximum effect, I should try something out that I haven't before. And so, I evenly distribute the Essence within myself, however, suddenly Irene's voice resounds,

{Discovered Deification.}

The next moment, I have this weird feeling, as if I am being stretched or something. I sense my powers growing tremendously, to the point that I don't feel them anymore.

I notice that everyone is staring at me wide-eyed with their mouths hanging open. Damn, how do I look?

Using Clairvoyance, I observe myself.

I've become taller and more muscular. My hair is golden in colour and seems to be glowing. There are also runes all over my limbs. This might sound a little narcissistic, but I look pretty darn impressive.

Remembering the notification I just got, I check the description,

Enter a higher state of being. Can be used once per week for 10 minutes.

Woah. The restriction is absurd. Well, with the way I am right now, if there wasn't such a restriction, I feel like everything will be a breeze.

Looking at Nao and the co, I say,

"As you can see, I have a special constitution. Why am I tell you guys about this? Well, with my constitution comes various abilities. One of which is healing."

They continue to listen to me intently as they stare at me. I think I should cancel the Effect.

I forcibly stop the motion of the Holy Essence within me, which is a surprisingly painful process. However, I can feel my body returning to normal after a few seconds. I then continue to explain,

"I used my ability to completely heal Ayumi. But, I'm now facing an issue."

Before I can continue, Nao interrupts me by saying,

"You can't get her out of the hospital, right?"

She approaches Ayumi and observes her body with intrigue. She looks at me and says confidently,

"Leave it to me."


After having left for several minutes, Nao returns to the room and says,

"We can get her out."

Impressed, I ask her how she did it. Apparently, she convinced the one in charge that we wish to transfer her away to another hospital. We faced a little issue here and there during the process, but in the end, we got her out.

We head to the apartment Ayumi and I stay in. As I unlock the door and step inside, someone is there standing before me - Juno.

"Finally. Took you long enough.", she says.

She turns around and heads to the kitchen. I go there as well with the rest following along. Soon, I smell a captivating aroma. It seems like she was cooking.

"There is enough for everyone to enjoy, so please take a seat."

Ayumi, who is now wide awake with a wide smile on her face runs up to her and asks,

"Hey, Big Sister who are you?"

"I am your brother's friend.", she replies with a smile.

Ayumi doesn't seem to mind the answer as she starts cheerfully asking about the food Juno is cooking. It doesn't take her long to join Juno in cooking.

The combination of cuteness and beauty when the two work together is dazzling.

"So, that girl is your significant other or something?", suddenly Misa asks me with her trademark glare.

I shake my head and say,

"No. Honestly, I myself don't know what's our relationship."

Sister in my previous life. Currently acting like my guide. No matter what though, I don't feel uncomfortable when she's around. In fact, there is this feeling of kinship.

While I'm thinking of this, light particles begin to form in front of me and take on the shape of a little girl, before Irene in her black and red dress is revealed.

"Hwaah. Father, please don't destroy my body so casually. Having a new body built is a tough process."

What's up with her. She's acting differently from how she used to. How do I say this... she seems to be more human-like.

I want to say something, but Nao suddenly says firmly,

"Listen. Tomorrow morning, I will be taking you over to meet someone with your sister. There you have a lot of explaining to do, and in return, a lot of stuff will be explained to you."

She did mention something like this before. I hadn't given it much thought, but it seems like it might be more important than I had imagined it to be.

"Let's forget about that for now. Would you mind telling us who is the child and why is she calling you her father?"

Joijiro says. That look on his face says that he is looking forward to a show.