Contract Kill ; Power Wielders

As soon as we enter our new apartment, I use what's left of energy to produce a bed and lie down on it. Too exhausted to do anything, I gradually fall asleep.


After whoever knows how long, I wake up from my sleep. Sensing something on my arms, I look and notice that both Sora and Asia have both joined me in sleeping on the bed.

I get Sora being comfortable when sleeping beside me, but I'm not so sure I can say the same thing about Asia.

Having just met her today, I've barely gotten to know her. I'm sure it's just because she doesn't know how to interact with others based on what she told us.

Using Telekinesis to gently lift both of them up, I pull my arms out from underneath them. After that, I gently kiss Sora's lips.

I look at the cute blonde nun beside me for a few seconds.

Making up my mind, I give her a light kiss on her forehead before floating up from the bed and checking the apartment out properly.

There are four rooms in total.

The bedroom - where we are right now. A wide room which could work as a living room, which is in between the bedroom and the kitchen. And finally, the lavatory.

Now that I think about it, I've not once needed to go to the lavatory in both Project Charlotte and here. In fact, although this might sound weird, I've not needed to go to the lavatory even in my past life.

{That's because whatever is taken in by Father's physical body is converted into Essence Energy through Destruction.}

Oh, there is the usual Irene's voice. Had enough of the mechanical one. Speaking of which, Irene what is the difference between the two "you".

{The "me" Father refers to having a mechanical voice is basically a sub-existence of myself that Father created in order to send "encrypted" thoughts to and fro.}

Woah, that's neat. However, why is it that sometimes only that sub-Irene is able to contact me while you aren't?

{That's because of the way Father designed it. Its designated name is AI for Artificial Irene.}

Great naming sense. I absolutely love it. Also, your response didn't clear up my confusion over why only AI is able to contact me.



Okay, fine. Don't tell me. Let's go back to the main topic. You said something about Destruction breaking down whatever is taken into Essence Energy. But, wasn't it sealed back in my previous life as well as when I first got to the Rift?

{A power in a sealed state can't be used, however, it's passive effects remain active.}

That sounds like a really bad thing...

Considering all that, what is the ratio of conversion compared to Creation?

{Destruction depends on the mass of the object.}

Wait, what? Seriously? Doesn't that mean that I can get my energy back by using Creation to produce a great deal of food and convert it? Although that wouldn't have any used mid-battle, it most definitely will post-battle.

Is this some kind of real-life bug that I can exploit?

I put that aside for now and focus on what I need to do at the moment - make money.

I create a laptop, use Insight, and download everything needed to keep my browsing private.


After looking through contracts online for a while, I found one that paid quite well to get rid of one of the politicians in Tokyo.

Then, I looked up information about him online and used Clairvoyance to find his precise location.

Under the moonlight, I set out to get the job done. It doesn't take me long to get to where he lives.

A huge mansion guarded by several bodyguards on all sides.

I get closer while making sure to avoid cameras and anyone sight, then use Permeation to phase through the wall to get inside noiselessly.

Making my way up the stairs, I hear muffled noises coming from the room he's in. I directly pass through the door.

Upon entering the room, the sight I had seen a while ago comes into sight once again.

An almost naked teenage girl that seems to be about 16 years old is lying on the bed with bruises all over her body.

Blood is flowing out from her mouth, nose, and even ears. I hear an almost inaudible sob as she attempts to push the man who's unbuckling himself on top of her away.

It's futile as she has no strength to do so.

Well then, time to collect my money.

Approaching the bed soaked with blood, I puncture through the man's chest from the back using only my arm.

Holding his still-beating heart in my protruding hand, I give it a squeeze as it bursts, sending blood everywhere.

The limply falls onto the ground as the girl stares with shock and stupor through her one good eye.

I hypnotize her, then heal her. After that, I create some proper clothing for her and dress her up. Once I'm done, I erase her memories of the past hour.

As an extra touch, I create a timed bomb and place it on the man's body once I've taken a picture of him on my phone using encrypted software.

Carrying the girl, I use Holy Slash and Light Manipulation to form a hole in the roof and leave the premise.

I take the girl to the nearest police station and place her in front of the entrance while making sure to avoid any CCTV cameras.

I leave the rest to them, whatever happens from here on out isn't my responsibility.


As I'm on my way back to the apartment, I hear some noises coming from an abandoned building nearby. Curious, I use Location and as I suspected, they are "ability wielders".

I need to find something new to call them as they're not the same as the ability wielders in Project Charlotte...

Whatever, I'll just call them "Power Wielders" for now.

Anyways, I check out the names of the "abilities" and get surprised due to how interesting they sound.

"Power of Destruction", "Holy Lightning", "Body Arts", "Sword Birth", as well as the "Boosted Gear".

Didn't the guy suffer from some kind of damage? Why is he even fighting?

Checking out what they're up to using Clairvoyance, I see that they're fighting against a metamorphic being that is half a weird monster and half-human.

Basically a topless woman with the bottom part of her is that of a monster.

The monster-human hybrid seems to be weak compared to them as they are dealing with it quite easily.

It begins to rage as a blonde guy cuts off both of its arms using a sword.

Then, a short girl walks up to the monster as a mouth with sharp teeth form at its bottom and chomp on the girl.

She seems to be unfazed as only her uniform gets torn while she punches the monster with an absurd amount of strength.

In place of the part where her uniform was torn a bright light covers it before fading away and leaving behind an undamaged uniform.

How convenient...

Oh? One of the arms that were chopped off suddenly moves and launches in a red-haired girl's direction.

The idiotic highschooler I had met at the park today shouts something as he attempts to punch it away.

However, the arm suddenly turns direction and punches him in the guts instead and sends him flying into a wall.

The short girl with absurd strength stomps on the arm, bursting it.

In the end, a black-haired girl raises her arm and shouts something before a "magical circle" appears in the air and zaps the monster-human hybrid with electricity.

So that's the "Holy Lightning" huh... I wonder if I am able to use it.

{Father is able to use all of the Effects of the Holy Essence, including elemental ones.}

Thanks, Irene.

These guys... they're all from the same school based on their uniform. I need to look it up later, as it seems like a fun school to go to, and I might gain some useful powers such as that "Holy Lightning" and perhaps even that "Power of Destruction".


I reach the apartment we stay at and upon entering, Sora is waiting for me at the entrance.

"What's wrong, Sora?", I ask her.

"Did you go to do your work?", she asks me casually.

"Yes," I reply to her.

We then head inside and I begin to create all forms of furniture and other stuff we need. Asia's cute stupefied look gave us a good laugh.

I then go to my laptop and deal with whatever's left and receive my payment of $40,000. Easy money.

Once it was nighttime, both Sora and Asia decided that they wanted to keep on sleeping beside me.

Today was sure one long, yet productive day.