Asia's Angelification ; Luxury ; Driver

My words seem to set off a bomb inside of the teenage girl as the excitement begins to overwhelm her.

I don't even need to hear her reply, as it's pretty obvious that she's willing. Now then, how do I convert her to an Angel?

{As she's a human, Father needs to transfer through physical touch.}

Well then, based on previous experiences, converting a being to an Angel will attract a lot of attention.

"Arena," I mutter.

Once we're in the Arena, I instruct Asia to kneel in front of me before placing my hand on top of her head.

Focusing on my Mahesvara, I circulate energy within my arm before transferring it over to Asia.

The next moment, Asia's body begins to glow as a blinding pillar of light rises to the sky.

Observing her, I notice her hair shifting to a more spectral yellow. Her right eye begins to change from green to a silvery color.

On her hands, appear the same symbol that appeared for my other Angels.

Lastly, two pairs of pure-white wings extend from her back as a golden halo appears on her head.

Once the light has faded away, Asia gets up from the ground and examines the changes made to her body.

Looking into her heterochromatic eyes, I smile before creating a mirror big enough to reflect her whole body.

My new Angel seems to be rather entranced with her new look as she keeps on examining herself and touching her wings all over.

Walking over to her, I pull her into an embrace and stroke her new wings before saying,

"From now on, you'll be joining us in our training."

Asia gently nods her head.

Both of us leave the Arena and find ourselves back in the mansion. Asia has retracted her wing and halo, making it so that the only notable changes are her eyes, hair, and the symbols on her hand.

Naturally, I wouldn't just let those visible as she's an "ordinary" high school student, so I use Rework to cover it up.

I check the time and see that it's 2:34 PM.

Knowing that she needs to go to sleep soon, I pull Asia toward myself and kiss her lips for a few minutes before sending her off to her room.

Then, I head back to my room and upon entering, I see both of my sisters sleeping soundly on the bed.

I try my best to not make much noise while climbing the bed and lying down between the two of them.

Turning over, I gently pull Ayumi's body closer to myself until she's completely within my arms.

Now then, Irene.

{Yes, Father?}

The matter regarding Dormant Codes awakening, does it happen instantly?


As I suspected, it just initiates the process. This means that there is a high chance of Sora "becoming" a Code if I take what I "saw" into consideration. Whatever it was, be it the past or future, it gave me some vital information.

Going back to the topic at hand, the term "Dormant Code" should mean a Code that is sealed or something, right?

{Affirmative. Father's Code was dormant during Project Future.}

Project Future? Are you talking about my past life?

{Indeed. That's the formal name assigned to the Platform that Father used to live on.}

Say, Irene do you have any information regarding my past life? Based on what I've come to know so far, I forced that life upon myself, however, is that all there is to it?

{Negative. Not much is known about Project Future other than the fact that Father lived there.}

Hah~ Forget it, I'll try to figure it out myself sometime. For now, I should sleep.

Tightening my hold on Ayumi's body, I doze off to sleep.


"That's everything, right?" I ask the girls after I've created their school utensils for them in the morning.

"Ayu really likes this bag!" Ayumi cheerfully exclaims while holding a school bag that has the picture of a black-haired "magic girl" waving a pink staff that has a golden star at its tip.

I reckon she is an idol of sorts seeing that she has so much merchandise in my "database", as well as the bold letters written on most of them: Miracle Levia-tan

Patting Ayumi's head to calm her down, I observe the others and see that everyone has a satisfied look on their face.

It's time to go to school, however, there is one small issue.

Our numbers have increased too much, which means that we won't be able to fit in the car.

So, I need to find another method of transportation. For that, I could have Yuno form a link similar to the one linking the mansion and the shrine-house, but instead, it connects the school and the mansion.

However, that's a bad idea for several reasons. The main one being that it endangers the safety of those in the mansion.

I'm well aware of how dangerous the link with the shrine-house is, so forming another one is out of the question.

So, I'm going to stick with a way that humans would use. Taking that into consideration, the first thought that would come to mind when thinking of a method of transportation for many people would be a van.

But, it's not luxurious enough.

After thinking about it for a short while, I am up with a solution.

Instead of a car or a van, I'm going to settle with a limousine as our new method of transportation back and forth from school.

The moment I shared my idea with the girls, I got a few jaw-drop reactions while Nao held her forehead.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Misa directly asks me,

Shaking my head, I reply seriously,

"Don't you guys want to experience what it's like to go to school in a limousine?"

For a few moments, no one responds to my words, but in the end, they all acknowledged that they're curious to know what going to school in such a luxurious way would feel like.

Now that we have settled on that, I need to find us a driver, as I would rather not drive a limo or have any of the girls do it.

One person comes to my mind that would fit in rather properly. Which is the girl I had tested Indoctrination on a few days ago - Kristina.

I need to have a word with her after school...

Just for today, I will be the one driving the limo. Hopefully, Insight will help me out.


Once we arrived at school, I accompanied Ayumi to her class while making sure that no one had any funny thoughts about her as she introduced herself to her new classmates.

Then, I went over to my school building where Nao and Misa were waiting for me. I accompanied them to my class.

After school was over and students went over to their clubs, I took Asia with myself to the Occult Research Club.

Nao and Misa said that they wished to explore the clubs on their own, so I let them be.

As usual, I trained all of Rias Gremory's peerage along with all four of my Angels.

Just because there isn't a Rating Game anytime soon doesn't mean that I should stop making those under me more powerful.

I had Asia a multitude of modern weaponry, but she didn't find any of them suitable for her use, despite hitting the targets I assigned for her practice most of the time.

So, I had her get used to her new powers.

As it's only her first day of training, I taught her how to fly properly, even though I don't have wings myself.

However, it worked out in the end, so it wasn't much of an issue.

Now that my schedule is a little free, I should go and look for Kristina.

Surprisingly, she's still at school along with quite a few other girls, which includes Sora, Nao, Misa, and Ayumi who has come over to our building.

They're all in the kendo clubroom, hanging around with its members.

For some reason, this club is rather popular in this school compared to the rest...

Oh well, I go over to where they are at and greet them.

The moment Kristina who was speaking with a friend of hers sees me, her expression takes a turn for the worse as there is nothing but horror apparent on her face.

Naturally, this shocks her friends as they all anxiously check on her.

Perhaps I overdid that night? Well, I can't do much about it. It was hard to hold back.

Knowing that the longer I delay matters, the worse things could turn out, so I slowly walk over to where the girls are and say,

"Kristina, it's been a while."

The other girls immediately begin to gossip between themselves while glancing at me and Kristina.

As for the girl in question, she's currently in too much of a shock to say anything, so I make use of this chance to grab her hand and pull her before leaving the clubroom amidst all the shrieks from the girls present.

Once we're somewhere away from the eyes of others, I push her against a wall and wait for her to recover her clarity of mind.

Surprisingly, that doesn't take long as she attempts to fake braveness by asking me in a shaky tone,

"Wha-t do yo-you want?"

I smile before moving my head closer to her and giving her a light peck on the cheek before saying,

"Nothing much. I just want you to work for me."

Seeing the confusion and anxiety in her eyes, I let out a sigh before pulling the shivering girl onto my lap as I create a chair under myself before saying,

"You don't need to be afraid. I wouldn't harm you in any way. Besides, you should be well aware of my capabilities. So, if I wanted to harm you, I would've done it a while ago."

Kristina doesn't say anything and just remains silent, so I gently pat her head to calm her down. Then, I begin my explanation,

"It's okay, Kristina. Your job is very simple. All you have to do is drive me to school and back home."

In response to my words, she mutters,

"But I can't drive..."

I chuckle lightly before saying,

"Don't worry about that, as I can just grant you driving skills."

Kirstina thinks for a few seconds before asking,

"Are you the Devil?"

I instantly reply,

"No, why would you even think of me as such?"

In response to my inquiry, she twirls both of her fingers together nervously before saying,

"Are you coming for me because I played Ouija with my friends?"

Unable to hold back, I begin to laugh at the naivety of the girl, which scares the living daylight out of her.

Shaking my head, I say to her,

"You don't need to fear me being the Devil, for you see, I am God."

Her expression turns rather funny as she doesn't know how to react to my claim. Normally, one would dismiss such words as absurdity, but not her. Kristina has experienced first-hand what I'm capable of.

I wonder how she'll react if I show her actual proof...

Curious, I use my telepathic connection to order Asia to come over.

A few seconds later, Asia appears and looks over us curiously before saying,

"You called for me, Your Holiness?"

As soon as Asia mutters the last two words, Kristina's expression turns even funnier, however, that's not enough. Making sure that no one is around to witness what's to come, I say

"Asia, reveal your Angelic form."

Following my order, Asia extends her wings as well as the Halo on her head.

In response to the sudden transformation, Kristina slowly turns her head to look at me before fainting from shock.

I guess I successfully got us a new driver.