Upcoming Underworld Trip ; Functions ; Morning

Krul fell asleep shortly after sucking my blood out, so I decided to head back to my room.

Opening my door, I am met with the sight of Ayumi happily talking to Sora, while Koneko is lying at the end of the bed.

"Brother Yu!" Ayumi exclaims upon noticing me and runs over to embrace me.

Lifting her and holding her within my arms, I kiss her cheek once before saying,

"It's getting late. Why are you not sleeping?"

Ayumi responds with,

"I was waiting for Brother Yu."

While still holding Ayumi in my arms, I walk over to the bed and lay her down before lying down beside her.

"Haru," Sora suddenly says, "Are you going to stay like that forever?"

Knowing that she's referring to my new appearance, I reply nonchalantly,

"Apparently, yes. Does it not suit me?"

Right after I said so, Ayumi gets up and says passionately,

"Brother Yu looks cool!"

I chuckle in response to Ayumi's remark while patting her head.

Suddenly, I feel some weight on my body. Looking down, I see Koneko comfortably lying down on my chest.

Finding her actions to be adorable, I play with her ears using one hand and hold one of her small hands with the other.

"President wants to go back," she says all of a sudden.

Back? As in the Underworld?


"She wants to take us with her," Koneko states.

Hold on, isn't this the perfect opportunity to infiltrate the Devil's ranks? It surely is. Besides, I can't let my cute Koneko go to the Underworld with its current state being unclear.

Holding on to that notion, I declare,

"I will be accompanying you."

Taking this chance, I place my palm on her cheek before saying,

"I can't leave you to go alone to somewhere far from me, now, can I?"

My words seem to please Koneko as her ears twitch a few times as she holds onto me a little tightly.

"You seem to care about her," Sora suddenly remarks in a neutral tone.

Smiling wryly, I respond,

"Can't deny that."

Before she can say anything else, I turn my attention back to Koneko and ask her,

"When will she be going?"

Koneko then proceeds to tell me about the specifics of traveling there. As it turns out, Rias is planning to leave the day after tomorrow and go there using a train.

That's good timing, I suppose.

I can take Yasaka and Kunou out tomorrow. The day after that, I can finally begin dealing with the Devils.

"My sister wants to come too," Koneko's voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Her reason being?"

"She said that she doesn't want to be somewhere I am not."

Well, I can't blame her for that. They've been apart for so long, so wishing to be with one another is natural.

From the looks of it, they're getting along. That's fortunate…


Opening my eyes, I am met with the sight of two petite figures lying on my chest.

When did Aruru get here?

Using Permeation, I move my arms away from Ayumi and Sora before holding both of the girls on me and floating up from the bed.

Placing them both down I deliberate on a rather important matter.

From the memories I received as God, I didn't get anything regarding Aruru. That's unusual, as I'm sure that I wouldn't forget her for various reasons.

That's something that needs to be looked into later. For now, I will go and visit Yasaka and Kunou.

Making my way to the gateway connected with the shrine-house, I activate it before passing through it.


Michael's voice suddenly resounds within my head.

"What is it?" I inquire.

[All the Angels in Heaven have been informed of your return. They're all looking forward to serving you.]

Now, that is suspicious as heck. What degree of loyalty do my Angels hold to be able to convince all the other Angels like this?

It's good now that I have something of an army serving under me, but I need to be cautious with whatever I do.

Nevertheless, I will train them to the point that one Angel will be able to single-handedly take down dozens of Devils.

Of course, I won't be establishing a connection with all the Angels as I have with Raynare and the rest.

Speaking of connections, why didn't Michael and Gabriel get the symbol that my Angels have on the back of their palms?

{Father has yet to use Angelification on them.}

Huh? But they're Angels already?

{That's a different matter. These Angels have yet to receive the Essence Energy from Father's Code, so the process hasn't taken place for changes to occur.}

In other words, unless I've supplied them with my Essence Energy, they won't become my direct Angels?


But I don't recall supplying Raynare and the rest with my Energy?

{Father's control over the Essence Energy wasn't stable compared to now.}

Leaving that aside, what are the differences between my direct Angels and the others?

{'Direct Angels', as Father calls them, have a significant boost in their stats as well as a stronger Blessing compared to other beings.}

Blessing? Right, I am a God, so I should be able to bless others.

{Due to Father having not completely turned into a deity, that option isn't clear right now.}

I see. Simply put, I need to work on gaining a 'divine' form and also supply Michael and Gabriel with my Essence Energy.

As for the other two, I will leave them to their own devices for a while.

Focusing back on reality, I walk out of the shrine-house and am immediately met with a bustling crowd.

Most of them are tourists.

Anyway, I make my way to where Yasaka and Kunou reside in.

There, I check the state of the place using Clairvoyance before entering the building.

Opening the door by sliding it, I enter the room the mother and daughter are in.

Both of them are eating their breakfast with some servants standing nearby.

My appearance is immediately noted to be a hostile one as two of the servants rush and slash at me using small daggers coated with some form of energy.

Casually dispersing the energy, I use telekinesis to slam them into the ground before slowly walking inside.

"You!", a female servant wants to rush at me, but before she can move, Kunou who had gotten up runs towards me and hugs my legs.

This makes everyone present, apart from Yasaka, pale as they begin to think of some unhealthy matters.

Ignoring them, I pat Kunou and say,

"It's been a while, Kunou."

In response to my actions, Kunou lifts her head and looks me in the eye with a small smile on her face before grabbing my arm and dragging me over to where Yasaka is.

"Hello," I greet the busty fox-woman.

With a gentle smile on her face, Yasaka questions,

"What happened to you?"

I sit down with a chuckle before responding,

"A lot, to be honest. I recovered something, and what you see right now was the result."

The servants seem to have realized my identity, or at least, no longer think I'm a threat, as they all calm down significantly.

"You look better now," she remarks.

"Thank you for the compliment," I say while ignoring Kunou who just sat on my lap.

This might be the very first time that I've felt a little uncomfortable about someone sitting on my lap.

Hopefully, Yasaka wouldn't take me for something I am not.

"Taking your sudden visit into consideration, I reckon you would like to take us out today?" Yasaka inquires.

Deciding that it doesn't matter anymore, I pat Kunou's head before replying,

"Indeed. It's hard to have a clear schedule nowadays."

"That, I can relate to," Yasaka states.

"I'm sure you do, being the leader of the Youkai and all."

Thus, we spend the next few minutes speaking of several matters. During that period, I created numerous fruits with berries being the one Kunou enjoyed the most.

"Shall we get going then?" I suggest.