Weakness ; Data Analysis ; Siesta's Duel

"Ddraig?" I question the now-nervous dragon.

"Well," he replies after coughing once, "I saw that you were awake, so I wanted to go and inform the others."

"I know that," I say while squinting my eyes, "What I don't know is why you were on top of me while I was unconscious."

"Uh…" she responds, evidently not knowing what to say.

"Come on, Ddraig," I say in a more friendly manner, "It's not like I will torture your soul or something if you told me."

I notice Ddraig's body flinch in response to my words as the unease apparent on her face gradually increases.

"I kissed you," she mutters in a shaky voice.

"That's it?" I directly respond.

"Huh?" a confused voice escapes Ddraig's mouth as she turns to look me in the eyes.

Seeing no hostility, Ddraig seems to get even more confused.

Well, I expected as much. However, what I'm really curious about is why she did it. Surely, Ddraig isn't attracted to me yet.

"Why did you do it?"

Visibly relieved, Ddraig walks over to the bed, sits and begins with her explanation,

"During the two days you were unconscious-"

Before Ddraig can continue, I interrupt him by asking,

"I was out for two days?"

"Yes," Ddraig responds.

So, two days have passed, huh? It makes me wonder what the girls have been up to and if there have been any problems in the Kingdom of Albion.

Shaking those thoughts aside, I focus back on Ddraig who has begun continuing with what she had to say,

"I discovered during these two days that this body you created for me is extremely complex."

Eh? This body is complex? Even though I made it similar to that of an ordinary human's body?

Perhaps, due to living her whole life as a dragon, Ddraig's thoughts regarding the human body's functions are high?

However, I can't be sure of that, so I must inquire further.

"What do you mean by complex?"

Ddraig takes a moment to think before responding,

"Exactly like what you'd think I mean by 'complex'. This body is simply much better than a normal human.

"Not only have I been able to tap into my original powers, but I've also found methods of using it that I didn't expect to be possible."

It seems like it is the other meaning…

My lack of information regarding my Creation has lead to this situation. Currently, three others have a body created by me.

Tiamat sure jinxed it…

"So, what exactly does this have to do with you kissing me?"

"Well," Ddraig says in a slightly nervous voice, "I had a feeling that it would help you awaken."


"I used my powers to boost your mentality."

Leaving aside how ridiculous that sounds, I can see how it could help me in awakening.

What's surprising is the fact that my Code didn't reject her energy the moment it entered my body.

Hold on…

"Ddraig, did you try boosting my 'mentality' in any other way beforehand?"

"Yes," she replies a little dubiously, "However, that didn't seem to work, so I reckoned that your body is coated with energy from a protective source."

"Assuming that was the case, I decided that injecting energy into your body directly is the only way for it to work."

"I had two choices: Either injure you and channel my energy from there, or what I did."

"The reason I chose the latter is that I'm sure I would've been dead before I could injure your body… for a lot of reasons."

Ddraig muttered that last part to herself as an expression of fear became apparent on her face for a split-second.

Anyway, now that I know her reasons for doing what she did, I've found a weakness of mine that could be exploited.

"Ddraig, did you get no resistance at all when you tried to channel the energy?"

"There indeed was resistance, however, I was able to break through it after a while."

It seems like the protective capabilities of my Code aren't as high as I deemed them to be.

I'm sure that a Code is much stronger than other beings, excluding Unknowns.

Perhaps, it's because my mastery over it is still at 2%?

{It's as Father thinks. Due to the setback, Father's Code has yet to recover most of its functions.}

Hold on, how many functions did I have exactly for you to be able to determine that what I have now is the minority?

{According to the data available at the moment, the mastery of a Code is correlated with the number of functions available.}

So, you're saying that the earlier statement was made as an assumption?


{Extra Note: New data has been acquired. Analysis has been initiated…}

New data? Could it be… Is the new data about a Platform?

{Affirmative. The data seems to have information regarding two Platforms.}

Will I be able to transfer over to there once the analysis has been completed?


Hah~ That's good. I will find more answers to all this as I continue upgrading my powers and transferring over to other Platforms.

Right now, I should make sure to not get injured in any way while near a foe, as that would simply give them an easy opportunity to harm me.

Shaking my head at all of what needs to be taken into consideration from now on, I reach out my arm to pat Ddraig's head before inquiring,

"What the girls have been up to during these two days?"

"Nothing much," Ddraig responds, "Due to being the way they are, they have been attracting a lot of attention.

"However, most students didn't dare try anything except a select few.

"As you would expect, that didn't end well for them. One ended up being punched into a coma, while another was directly crippled.

"There was one that challenged the black-haired maid, Siesta, was it? Yes, Siesta. He challenged her, claiming that if she is to serve you, she must have the qualifications."

What? Just how ridiculous could these nobles get? And here I was thinking that whatever I've done will affect them positively.

That doesn't matter now. What I need to know is if anything happened to Siesta.

"So, what happened?" I say while trying my best to keep my rage contained.

"The lass had no other choice than accepting, so it was set to happen on the very next day, which is today."


"At what time?" I ask.

"Right now."

In response to his words, I look her in the eyes and say in a slightly angry tone,

"Why didn't you say so earlier?!"

Ignoring Ddraig, I get up from the bed and begin walking over to the door.

However, I feel like something is amiss, so I stop and begin examining myself.

Finding that I am not wearing shoes or a proper top for that matter, I look around in the room for them before pulling them over to myself and putting them on.

Then, without wasting a single moment, I use Clairvoyance to scan the academy for the location of the duel.

It doesn't take me long to set my 'sight' on the scene of a nervous Siesta facing a brown-haired male who has a mocking smile on his face.

Having found the location, I directly teleport over, stunning the crowd, while surprising the girls whose location I was curious about.

Now that I think about it, why didn't any of them put a stop to this duel? Wouldn't brute force have been more than enough to solve this issue?

I will have to ask them about it later…

"Did he just…"

"I swear, I just saw him…"

"A miracle…"

Ignoring the students' mutterings, I look over at Siesta, who's also looking my way.

Her expression from what it was a moment ago when I 'saw' her using Clairvoyance, as it is currently showing nothing more than joy.

The fact that this change is due to my appearance gives me a slightly warm feeling, but that's not what's important right now.

"Hey, you," I exclaim while glaring at the brown-haired male, "Who the fuck do you think you are to judge my servants?"

Acting like nothing is wrong, the guy has a smile on his face as he says,

"My name is Gaston de-"

"Shut it, insect," I say while enveloping him in my aura.

Beads of sweat begin appearing on the guy's face as breathing seems to be getting harder for him.

As I am about to finish him off, I feel a strange sensation in my head as some thoughts begin to swirl within my mind.

What just happened? This is unlike me. I wouldn't kill someone for something like this.

Instead, I would torture their mentality and break their spirit.

Whatever just happened now doesn't bode well, so I should be extra careful of my actions from now on.

From what I can make out of this, it's highly likely that this is related to that vision I had earlier.

Anyway, I shake my head to clear my thoughts up before drawing my aura back and beaming a smile.

"I'm sorry," I say while acting apologetic, "I don't know what got to me, but the thought of my servant suffering because of me is something that I can't stand."

"To make up for that," I continue, "I shall let you duel her."

Surprised by my words, several students gasp while whispering their thoughts regarding the outcome of the duel among themselves.

The one who is shocked the most is Siesta, who's currently looking at me with a dumbfounded look on her face.

Well, it's only natural that she would be surprised.

Having lived all her life as a 'commoner', Siesta has yet to wield any kind of power.

Now, I'm asking of her to duel against a 'noble' mage.

Why am I doing this? It's quite simple, truly.

The best way to shatter the ego of a 'noble' and gnaw at their spirits is to shame them in the worst way possible in front of a crowd of other nobles.

And there is nothing better than a 'commoner' which is a maid, no less, beating them up for that to be achieved.

As for how that will work out, I will simply Gift Siesta the abilities that she needs for this battle.

However, the main reason I'm actually doing this is to see if I can have Siesta unlock her true potential – as a Code, that is.

Naturally, I will have the guy make some kind of bet,

"Hey, would you like to make a bet?" I say while looking at Gaston in the eyes.