Seraphiel's Advent ; Despair ; Termination

A/N:- The meaning of non-english words are written at the end. The dark stuff is not in this chapter.


As the gems in the air continue to approach them, Siesta's expression suddenly turns blank while her eyes change from the originally aqua-blue to a golden.

Then, at a speed that seems to transcend light itself, Siesta raises her right arm and mutters, "Evorto."

The next moment, a ray of light shines from her palm before a golden barrier forms right in front of her.

All the gems that were nearing them run into the barrier before simply disappearing.

"What…" Yuno mutters while looking at the golden barrier with a bewildered expression.

Siesta ignores her as she dissipates the barrier with a wave of her hand before beginning to walk forward.


"General! They're not dead!" a soldier exclaims.

"What?" Aldrich voices, clearly confused.

Like the soldier just said, their enemies had not died. Not only that, but they were beginning to regenerate any limbs they had lost while the smaller injuries were healed a long time ago.

"What are we even fighting," the general mutters with a horrified expression.

As they continue to inspect their enemies' regeneration, the soldiers along with the general notice something unusual.

A few meters behind the soldiers, there is a black-haired maid that's walking in their direction as a golden light encompasses both of her arms.

The maid suddenly looks up, sending a shiver down the general's spine, despite her being more than a hundred meters away.

Swallowing his spit, the general exclaims, "Prepare to shoot again!"

Hearing his orders, the soldiers get back to maintaining Faule Mette while a group of three men carries another 'cannonball' over to the giant cannon.

Soon, a soldier shouts,

"General, it's ready!"

"Fire!" the general immediately responds.

The next moment, a loud sound resounds as another cluster of gems is launched in Siesta's direction.

However, against all the soldiers' expectations, she simply raises her arm before a bright light shines for a split-second, blinding their eyes.

Once some soldiers manage to see once again, their expression shifts from expectation to dread as they witness Siesta still walking toward them with the 'cannonball' being nowhere within sight.

One of the soldiers tightens his grip on the spear he's carrying as his expression becomes resolute.

Then, without heeding attention to nothing else, the soldier sprint toward Siesta at his top speed while raising the spear and shouting.

Just when it seems like the soldier will be able to pierce her body, Siesta raises her arm once again before muttering, "Purgo."

All of a sudden, the man's heroic-like voice shifts to a pitiful one of pure agony as his body begins to turn into golden grains before getting blown away by the gentle breeze.

Unfazed, Siesta continues to move toward the horrified soldiers who are shivering in fear at the sight of the merciless monster approaching them.

---1st POV---

"What are you doing?" Joseph asks in a neutral tone as I slowly approach his daughter.

"What do you think?" I say without turning around.

Seeing me approach her, the blue-haired girl's mind seems to come to a halt.

Unfortunately, just as I'm about to reach her, a voice resounds within the castle within the room,

"Isabella, run!"

Breaking out of her stupor, Joseph's daughter, Isabella, glances into my eyes before breaking into a run.

Looking over at the one who broke Isabella out of her stupor, I find a beautiful woman with similar features to Isabella.

So, that's her mother, huh?

A smile forms on my lips as I use Blink to appear right behind the woman and give her a light nudge on the back.

However, due to the difference in our parameters, the woman gets thrown into the throne room and rolls for a few meters before finally stopping right in front of the throne.

"Mom!" Isabella screams as she runs over to her, while Joseph has a slightly disturbed look on his face.

Looks like I was right after all. Time to show this bastard what it's like to deal with an untouchable enemy.

Previously, I wasn't able to outright kill him as that would've destabilized this kingdom a lot. Now, however, he can't do much to me because of the overwhelming gap between our power and abilities.

Naturally, I won't let this get to my head, as he could still have another 'surprise' for me.

Even so, that won't prevent me from 'playing' with his family.

"Now, now," I say as the smile on my lips grows, "Let's put on a nice show for Joseph, shall we?"

Hearing this, Isabella who is kneeling beside her mother to check on her looks over at me and shouts, "Damn you!"

Feigning a shocked expression, I say,

"How harsh. Looks like you some disciplining."

Then, I ignore the series of curses she throws at me as I begin to walk toward her.

Meanwhile, Joseph has gotten back on his feet and his expression is now completely different from the impassive one he had a short while ago.

Suddenly, a burst of energy gets released from Joseph's body as the aura he has been exuding tenses.

Then, Joseph abruptly dashes toward me at a speed that's higher than what I'm capable of without Godspeed.

So, I utilize Godspeed to dodge the jab he threw at me before repositioning myself and kicking his shin.

This results in the sound of bones breaking to reach my ears as his body crashes into the ground.

"Dad!" Isabella screams once again as tears begin to roll down her cheeks.

Seeing her in this state, a sense of discomfort overwhelms my body as AI's voice resounds within my head.

{Berserk: Tormentor deactivated.}

As if a weight was lifted off my head, I feel comfortable energy spreading within my body.

Checking it out, I am about to sense that it's my Holy Essence.

With my thoughts cleared, I look over at the woman whose head is injured for a few seconds before raising my arm and utilizing Healing Factor.

Seeing my actions, the teary-eyed girl doesn't know what to make of the situation anymore as she looks at me with a confused expression.

I look back at her and wink once before turning my body and walking toward Joseph who's motionlessly lying on the ground.

"Joseph," I say, "How do you feel?"

A few seconds pass without him giving me a response, so I utilize Holy Slash to cut both of his legs off, earning me a low groan from the stern man.

"Speak," I say while frowning.

"Nothing," he replies.

"Are you sure about that?" I inquire.

"Yes," he simply responds.

"So be it," I say before raising my arm to finish him off.

"Stop!" Isabella shouts, but I decide to ignore her and channel Destruction into my right arm.

"Wait," Joseph suddenly says, startling me.

What, does he want me to spare him now?

"I want to say something to them before you kill me."

Knowing that he's referring to Isabella and her mother, I say,

"Sure. However, make it quick."

Then, I use telekinesis to move him over to where the mother and daughter duo are before using Clairvoyance to check how things are outside.

First, I check on Siesta and Irene, only to find Yuno standing still while watching Siesta as she uses some kind of ability to wipe soldiers out of existence.

So, this is an application of her Code, huh? As expected, there is no way that 'cleaning' is her only capability.

Nevertheless, she doesn't seem to be in complete control of her power, in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she said that she doesn't remember anything once this is over.

Shaking my head in exasperation, I shift my sight over to where Saturnus and Krul are.

There, Gabriel and Aruru are helping Krul tie the Binary Factors up using their power of light, while Saturnus is torturing Theodon a few meters away from them.

From the looks of it, the torture method she's using is nothing to scoff at, as every time the tip of Saturnus' strange weapon sinks into Theodon's body, the pitiful man shouts at the top of his lung.

"Origo," a voice reaches my ears, causing me to shift my attention back to the small family.

"Are you done?" I say while looking into Joseph's eyes.

The stern man nods head serenely before saying,

"I hope that you wouldn't harm them."

I chuckle a little before saying,

"And here I was thinking that you had completely lost your emotions."

Letting out a sigh, I move closer to him before asking,

"Was there really no trap?"

For the first time, a small smile forms on Joseph's lips as he says,

"There was. But I couldn't activate it."

Hearing this, several thoughts cross my mind before I look at the mother and daughter duo.

"Is it because of them?"

"Yes," he responds before coughing a few times.

"Well then," I say while raising my arm and channeling Destruction once more, "Do you have any final words, Joseph?"

Closing his eyes, Joseph remains silent for a few seconds before saying,


Nodding my head, I directly use Termination.

The next moment, his body begins to break down into minuscule particles before disappearing.

Silence ensues as neither of us present in the room utter a word for a few minutes before the woman slowly raises her body from the ground and gets back on her feet.

Looking at her, I immediately notice that she had been crying.

Before I can say anything to her, the woman coughs twice and looks me in the eyes with resolution.

Seeing her like this, I sense that something unfortunate is about to occur.

Hopefully, she won't ask me to kill her…

"Wales Tu- no, Victor Origo," the woman says, greatly surprising me, "I, Catherine de Gallia, wish to offer you my body and soul."


---3rd POV---

Standing outside the throne room, Irene has a calculative look on her face with a small smile on her lips as she says,

"Looks like Father's return is near."

She looks inside the throne room right at the time Victor asks Joseph if he has any last words.

"No," Joseph responds before getting erased from the world, causing the smile on Irene's lips to grow by a lot.

"Great," she mutters to herself.

"Don't get too excited," a calm voice suddenly reaches Irene's ears.

Looking behind herself, Irene finds a girl completely identical to herself, except for the fact that the girl has white hair and tanned skin, as well as, white irises.

The air around the girl is tense, to the point that slight cracks seem to appear in the air now and then before they disappear the next moment.

"What are you doing here, AI?" Irene asks the expressionless girl.

"Observing," AI responds.

"You could just observe Father without a physical body, you know?"

"Not Father," AI replies, "Observing you."

"Me?" Irene says while raising her brows, "Why would you need to do that?"

Instead of responding to her inquiry, AI's body simply fades away, as the tension in the air goes away.

"How troublesome," Irene mutters before looking back at Victor who now has a bewildered expression while looking into the eyes of Catherine.

Irene shakes her head a little before adopting a small smile and running inside while shouting,
