It's Time (1/2) (NSFW-ish)

"You're getting a little too close, don't you think?" I say while grabbing the hand that was stroking my cheek.

"Come on, Shido. There is no need to hold back. All I want from you is your cooperation," she says in a suggestive voice.

Seeing that she is willing to go so far, I realize that I may be of wroth more 'value' in Kurumi's eyes than I had suspected.

Naturally, this is rather suspicious. This coupled with the statement she made earlier back in the room indicates that Kurumi must have learned something about my powers and is planning to make use of it.

Regardless of that, I don't understand why would 'Kurumi' want 'me'.

From the way she phrased the statement, one could rightfully assume that she meant she wants to copulate with me.

"Kurumi," I say after letting out a sigh, deciding to ask her directly, "That statement of yours... Do you mean you want to have sex with me?"

Hearing my words, Kurumi's expression and actions freeze as she stares at my face blankly for a few seconds before breaking out of her stupor and exclaiming, "A brilliant idea!"

What is?! Hold on, that wasn't what she meant? Then, what was it exactly? Aside from that, why does she think us two having sex is a 'brilliant idea'?

"My, my," Kurumi says, interrupting my thoughts, "I should have gone for that from the very beginning."

Following her statement, she directly pounces on me and attempts to push me down, albeit failing to do so.

Before she can utter a word, I proceed to grab her arm before pushing her down on the sofa myself, earning me a giggle from Kurumi as she says, "Perhaps, this could work as well."

Furrowing my brows, I begin to think of the abnormality of this situation.

First and foremost, Kurumi is a beauty. That's irrefutable. However, she has a personality that is somewhat hard to figure out. If anything, she somewhat reminds me of... myself.

From the looks of it, she is fine with us doing the deed despite not knowing each other long.

Nevertheless, Kurumi's words themselves indicate that there are ulterior motives for this. What they are and how will they affect me; that, I don't know.

AI, nothing 'unexpected' will occur if I were to go through with this, right?

{Affirmative. There are no abnormalities detected. Chances of unexpected occurrences are negligibly low.}

Alright then. If Kurumi is doing this to achieve an objective, I can do so as well.

With that thought revolving in my head, I peer into Kurumi's heterochromatic eyes and say, "You better not regret this."

As a response to my words, Kurumi simply chuckles and says, "I believe that I won't."

Having gotten somewhat impatient already, I lower my head to close the distance between our faces before locking my lips with hers.

Unlike last time, Kurumi wraps her arms around me and begins embracing surprisingly tightly, almost as if she wants my body to merge with hers.

Shortly, my tongue finds its way inside her mouth and plays around with her tongue while I guide my left hand to her breasts.

All of a sudden, the Kurumi's body begins to glow in red before the light fades, revealing a naked and shocked Kurumi.

Detaching our lips, I proceed to raise my body from hers to observe her naked body properly.

"What did you do?" Kurumi suddenly questions while examining herself and raising her right arm.

Following that, a flintlock pistol appears on Kurumi's hands, seemingly out of nowhere, causing her to let out a sigh that's a mix of relief and exasperation.

"So, your powers are not sealed, huh?" I subconsciously mutter.

Kurumi's ears pick up on the words as she frowns and says, "What do you mean? Did you just try to seal my powers?"

"Not really," I reply honestly, "I was simply planning to take you, but I had forgotten the fact that when I kiss a spirit, they get sealed..."

Now that I think about it, why didn't Kurumi get sealed when I kissed her back on the rooftop? Is there more to the condition than simply locking lips? I recall Kotori and Reine saying something about a love gauge meter, but I had crossed that out as nonsense.

It might be related, but I don't think that's all there is to it, after all, I doubt Kurumi loves me much right now.

{Code Essence analysis boosted: 8>>17%}

What? Wasn't this related to Time-Leap? Did it suddenly get boosted because of what just happened?

No way...

"Kurumi," I say in a solemn tone while staring at her face, "Are your powers related to... time?"

Hearing my inquiry, a wide grin forms on Kurumi's lips as she says, "So, you finally noticed."

Well, shit.

What's with my luck? First, there is an individual with space-related abilities that 'invited' me over to this Platform.

Then, there is this thorny rose that is capable of using time-related abilities. All I can hope for now is that their absurd powers are not limitless if they decide to stand against me.

"Back then, when I was protecting the young-looking spirit from the AST, was our first time meeting, right?" I say, giving voice to my doubts.

"Although that can't be considered as such, yes. It was the first time we came across each other."

By the end of her response, Kurumi reached her right arm out and pressed the tip of her fingers against my lips.

"You're not planning to stop here, are you?" she mutters as her eyes turn into crests from her grinning widely.

Letting out a sigh, I use both of my hands to cup her breasts as I feel a hot sensation surge within me, pushing me to take her right here and now.

And so, I proceed to squeeze her relatively soft nipples gently as I lean forth and lock lips with her once again.

This time, the kiss is a much more passionate one as Kurumi joyously returns it while sliding her palms against my body.

Taking this chance, I use Destruction to get rid of all my clothes after making sure to scan the room for anything 'out of place'.

Despite this scenario being a 'bad' one, I've already set my decision on going through with it.

For some reason, I am reminded of that time that I had sex with Infi, or more accurately, her Proxy. There is this sense of urgency that is seemingly pushing me to make Kurumi mine.

After a few minutes of passionate kissing, I separate my lips from Kurumi's as I begin to shift my position so that I am sitting atop her dainty legs, giving me a clear view of her smooth privates.

"Don't you think that this position is an uncomfortable one to practice this particular exercise at?" Kurumi says after a light chuckle.

Agreeing with her, I simply nod my head once before shifting my attention to the space in between the sofas present in the room and using Creation to produce a double-bed from within my database.

Seeing the bed appear, Kurumi's eyes widen slightly as she squints her eyes and asks, "What ability is that? It can't be something like storage, as I doubt you would bother with storing a double-bed if that were the case. Unless…"

Upon muttering the last word, Kurumi casts an odd, yet somewhat cold look at me with a teasing grin on her lips.

"No, it's not whatever you think it is," I subconsciously respond.

"Is that so~?" she says before using the tips of her fingers to follow along the muscle lines that have formed from all the times that my body has 'changed'.

"Let's head over then," I say before telekinetically lifting both of us over without bothering to hear her response.

This, in turn, earns me another chuckle from Kurumi before she says, "You seem to be looking forward to this."

"Naturally," I immediately respond, "Who wouldn't be after they've been granted a chance to spend some quality time with an interesting beauty like you."

"Ara~ What a strange way to compliment someone," she says while changing the position of her limbs to make herself more comfortable, which also results in her slit and breasts to be easier to view.

At this moment, I feel a grasp on my half-erected rod as the tip seems to be getting gently massaged by three fingers.

"Please go easy on me," Kurumi suddenly says in a charming tone, "After all… I am lacking in experience when it comes to this area of expertise."

"Leave it to me," I say, but that earns me a rather cold response from Kurumi as she scoffs, "Isn't this the part in which you're supposed to say you have no experience either?"

"What?" I say, a little confused.

"Nothing," she replies as the stern expression on her face mellows out, "I was just messing with you."

Shrugging my shoulders, I use both of my hands to spread Kurumi's legs before lowering my head toward her crotch.