Second Phase of the Discussion ; Screwed Up

"Our relationship?" Origami repeats while gazing at me with an unchanged expression on her face.

"Yes," I respond, "You see, I have been wondering if the relationship is what it's supposed to be."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, for instance, we have yet to go out on a date. If anything, the time we spent in the nurse room was the closest we had been."

"So, you want to push me down?" Origami asks casually.

"I mean, we have to start somewhere," I say while slowly shifting my left hand over to her butt, enjoying the sensation of the soft flesh wholly.

Now then, I wonder how I should proceed from here. From what I know thus far, Origami Tobiichi is far from ordinary – in various ways, that is. So, I can't treat her 'normally'.

Either way, I am constantly looking forward to interacting with her, due to the fact that she most of the time surprises me with her way of thinking and somewhat peculiar actions.

"When are you going to push me down?" she suddenly says while narrowing her eyes.

Chuckling at her words, I proceed to directly do as she said and push her down on the bed.

With me on top of her, I place my left hand beside her head and my right hand against her breast, while also positioning my right knee between her thighs.

Unlike last time, Origami is only in her underwear, giving me a good view of her wonderful body of which only the privates are blocked.

Even so, I can see her nipples and her slit through the fabric, making it all the more alluring.

"Say… How are you feeling right now?" I curiously inquire while peering into her eyes.

"I don't know," she immediately responds.

"Do you dislike being in this position?"

"No," a simple response escapes from her slim lips.

Deciding that I shouldn't delay the matter any longer, I proceed to lean forth and press my lips against hers.

Expectedly, Origami offers absolutely no resistance as I pry into her mouth using my tongue.

Perhaps enjoying this a little too much, I subconsciously move her bra away, revealing her soft puppies while continuing to kiss her passionately.

After a short while, I detach my lips from hers, only to give her a quick peck on the forehead a second later.

"Tell me if you feel uncomfortable, alright?" I whisper as the tip of my nose contacts hers, to which she just hums as confirmation.

A smile forms on my lips as I create some distance between our faces before beginning to inspect her body, particularly the puppies which have now been revealed.

"Is this what being a girlfriend is?" Origami suddenly asks.

"Not exactly," I respond carefully, "It's more about the warmth we share, the thoughts we have, and the sensations we feel… inside. Most do it for the pleasure, but I believe the rest matter just as much."

Taking my words seriously, Origami nods her head and says, "I understand now."

I'm surprised. How is it that her 'reliable sources' haven't explained this to her yet? If anything, this should be the first thing to be addressed.

In a relationship, it's important to know what either side is thinking of the other, and themselves. If that's missing, the relationship isn't boded to last. Even that, could lead to numerous outcomes.

For example, a long term relationship may be formed in which one side thinks that everything is going absolutely fine, only for it all to be ruined by a single 'mistake'.

Thus, it's extremely important to know what one's partner is thinking, as it could potentially save a doomed relationship.

It's for this reason that I am troubled by my relationship with Origami. She is seemingly a cute girl who has a 'unique' way of thinking, but then there is her never-changing expression.

That is what has led us to this moment. I can use this chance to finally find out how she feels, or, at least, get the gist of it.

"Origami," I utter while moving my right hand over to her face and gently sliding my palm across her cheek, "I would like to ask you a question."

As a response to this, she simply stares at my face with a slight hint of curiosity apparent in her eyes.

"Let's say that some guy at school approached you and confessed their love to you. What would you do?"

"Ignore them," she responds nigh-instantaneously.

"And if they were to press on, to the point of trying to do things you didn't give them permission for?"

"Shoot them."

Impressed by her spectacular response, a bright smile forms on my lips as I say, "You really do have an amazing way of thinking."

"Is that a compliment?" she asks while remaining expressionless.

"It is," I reply before lowering my head so that my lips are pressed against her left nipple.

Following that, I open my mouth slightly before gently nibbling on the tiny pink cherry, causing Origami's body to wince slightly.

Soon after, I begin playing with her breast as a whole using my mouth by either planting kisses here and there or playing with her hardened nipple using my tongue.

Throughout the whole process, Origami remained relatively silent and motionless, reacting only when I took an 'extra' step in stimulating her.

After a few minutes of this, I finally let go of her soft breasts and raise my head to observe her face, which surprisingly turned out to be covered in a red hue that's even more than the time in the nurse room.

"How did that feel?" I ask, hoping to receive a proper response.

"Warm," she replies after taking two seconds to think.

Hearing this, the smile on my face grows by a large margin as I understand the warmth she is referring to is the same one I mentioned earlier.

"Is that so," I say in a pleased tone as I move in for another passionate kiss on the lips.

And so, I slowly lose myself in the kiss with Origami who has actually begun reciprocating it for once, only to be broken out of my daze a few minutes later by the sound of something clicking.

Hurriedly detaching my lips from Origami's, I make use of Clairvoyance to run a quick scan of my room and outside it.

Immediately after, a complicated expression forms on my face as I watch Yoshino and Natsumi who are both deeply blushing while walking down the stairs in haste.

"Fuck," I subconsciously utter as I think of the consequences of what just happened.

The first thought that crossed my mind was one that hoped they didn't see much, but that doesn't last long as I remember the fact I never bothered to close the door.

Hah~ I should've been more careful…

Well, it's no use to cry over spilled milk. What I can hope for is that Yoshino doesn't look into this matter much yet as it's rather early for her. I suppose the same goes for Natsumi…

Perhaps noticing my change in attitude and focus, Origami opens her mouth and asks, "Did something happen?"

Releasing a sigh, I focus on her beautiful eyes and say, "Yes. We were seen."

"By who?"

"The two little ones," I respond as I get off her body, "I take the blame for this one. After all, what we did should be done when the rest are asleep and we have complete privacy."

Hearing my words, an expression of deliberation appears on Origami's face for a dozen or so seconds before she raises her head and asks, "Are we going to continue this at night?"

"Indeed," I respond while grinning, "Maybe not tonight, but perhaps it would be possible on the night of the school trip?"

"Understood," she says as she raises her body and begins fixing her underwear up.

"Right," I say as I inspect Origami once more before accessing my database and creating a set of modern wear for her according to this Platform's standards - which are somehow not that different from back in the Rift.

"These are…"

"Clothes," I say, "It's better if you were these than your… 'Realizer'. Alright?"

"From where did you get them?" she inquires as she begins to sort the clothes out, intending to put them on.

"I created them."

Having said that, I watch as Origami gets off the bed and begins to put on the clothes I created for her, which consist of a simple navy-blue skirt and a frilly-collared white shirt with flower-shaped buttons.

Along with that, I created a black pantyhose along with a pair of blue shoes that go well with all the aforementioned.

Once Origami is done putting the clothes on, I proceed to create a blue butterfly-shaped hair-clip and put it on for her as a finishing touch.

Satisfied, I nod my head twice before saying, "Come on. Let's go downstairs. There is a matter that needs to be addressed."

Following that, I use Clairvoyance to check downstairs, only to be pleased with the sight of Kotori who has returned home, and not so pleased by the sight of Natsumi and Yoshino who are sitting on a sofa beside one another and whispering among themselves.

Casting a glance at Origami who is checking her clothes out, I reach my left arm out and say, "Your hand?"