Powers; Punishment

It's gone. I can inherently tell that the system that I have been using so far - ever since my awakening - is gone. In its place, I have gained a solid understanding of my powers and capabilities. Unlike what I used to believe; the system was merely a glorified tool to get me used to powers I already had.

Even the other abilities I have obtained… Plunder and everything that came with it. They were mine. They were meant to be mine. None of it was a coincidence – a far too convenient one it would've been if so.

If one were to go through every ability I had obtained, they would come to realize that all of them shared one common point: Authority and control. My abilities all challenged the very foundation of nature itself. It began with a simple ability which I took: Thoughtography. At a first glance, it might not seem like much, but it exposed a part of my Code's Core Essences – The Essence of Creation. Following that, I obtained Flight, which represented control over mass and laws of the world – such would be the case with The Holy Essence.

It didn't stop there, no… Pyrokinesis and Collapse. Those are abilities I obtained from Misa and Ayumi respectively. The former is coincidentally a significant part of my most destructive Effects through The Essence of Destruction. Speaking of which, collapse and destruction do seem to go hand in hand. Of course, that's not the end of it. Telekinesis, Insight, Vector Manipulation, Time-Leap, Imperfect Invisibility and so much more. All of them represent one if not more of my Core Essences.

And this is no coincidence. After all, the true power of my Code lies in its name; such is the case for every other Code I've come across so far. Yuno's Code is Sigilla – it defines her ability to form seals and Sigillum. Then there is Krul, whose Code is Abbadon –Destruction. Truly befitting of her nature and abilities.

In a sense, both Codes are closely related to myself. And, if my hunch is on point, the order in which I encountered them matters a lot.

So, who was the first Code I encountered? Was it Yuno? No. It was Infi (or Juno). Even if she encountered me in the form of a proxy, she was still the first Code I came across. The real question is what is her true Code? I can't trust anything she or Irene has said to me. The latter especially after what happened recently. While I can tell that she means my well-being, I don't find myself appreciating Irene's way of handling the matter.

That aside, I wonder what meaning the others hold. Siesta, Gaia, Kurumi, and Queen… It's not something that I can simply scoff at and not think of anymore. Anyway, back to the current state of the system and my powers.

Basically, they have merged. Not only do I know how to make use of them by heart, but I have also gained a new understanding of myself.

My system was built differently compared to its predecessors. Instead of being a hotspot of energy and matter through which the user can obtain exponential power and items; it was one that limited everything that was already there and provided only at times of necessity.

At this moment, I am able to tell with absolute certainty that if I were to fight the me from yesterday… it would be a butchering at best.

For instance, instead of telekinesis, vector manipulation, pyrokinesis, and other such control abilities (Alchemy's corporikinesis and stereokinesis), I have a main Core Essence of Control itself. The thing is, that Essence derives from my Code's Origin: Exousia.

I had always wondered what meaning the name held, but was unable to figure it out. Not because I didn't want to or didn't bother with it, but because I simply couldn't. It's funny how something so simple crossed my mind… Exousia – meaning authority. My Code is authority itself. Such is the source of all my powers. Authority over matter allows me to dabble in Creation and Destruction. Authority of the laws grants me the powers commonly recognized as holy/divine.

However, there is an outlier. Berserk. This Essence feels as if it's a counterforce of my Code's Core form. It doesn't help that the Essence's name holds a negative meaning with relatively negative Effects. What this means is that I should be wary of it and refrain from using it henceforth. Particularly so, considering just how big is the disparity between my current limits and what they previously were.

When I think about it like this, it's almost as if there is a supreme force guiding me toward a certain end. Is it destiny, fate, or something else entirely. I don't know and most likely never will. But that doesn't matter. One must only worry about matters they have control over.

Perhaps, if I were to Maximize my Code, I would be able to do something about it. Until then, I can simply continue the same path I've been taking up until now.


"Ugh…" A groan resounds within the silent Throne Hall as Albedo slowly regains consciousness. Then, all of a sudden, her eyes shoot wide open as she appears to teleport off the ground with the sheer speed she gets up.

"And that's the last one," I mutter with a smile, shocking her into speechlessness. After a few seconds, Albedo almost robotically turns her head, only to regret it immediately upon realizing that every single Floor Guardian except Gargantua is present. All of them are standing stiffly straight. Can't blame them, considering that I've had them stay like that without saying anything for the past ten minutes or so.

Albedo takes a moment to recollect herself before she turns her head back to me, this time noticing something else. I am seated on the throne, and on my lap, a certain blonde vampire has nestled herself into my arms. Aletia peers at Albedo with an expressionless look on her face. The latter stares back with utter confusion apparent in her eyes.

"Fall in line." A simple command. Yet, the effects are immediate.

"Yes, Lord Victor!" Albedo responds as she quickly shuffles to line up with the rest of the Floor Guardians.

"Now then," I begin my bullshit, "as you should be aware: A certain woman decided to pay me a visit right here. Fortunately, she had no evil intent. All she did was simply grant me a means to attain a perfect level of understanding over a newly acquired power. However, it came at a cost."

With that, I stop to observe what reactions the Floor Guardians would show. Earlier, when Demiurge awoke, he displayed no outward signs of being shocked at my "human" appearance. The rest of Floor Guardians were the same, with the only ones mentioning it at all being Shalltear and Aura – both meaning to compliment it. Well, the former made a rather crude remark, but then again, she isn't one to look for when seeking elegance based on what I've seen of her so far.

Anyway, the most reactive response they show is toward the end since I mentioned "a cost". From what I can tell, it is one of worry more than anything.

"As you can see, I have permanently lost my skeletal form. This is now my appearance and will remain as such. I'm sorry if this disappoints you."

"NO, don't be!" Albedo suddenly exclaims with an intense expression, "Lord Victor, regardless of what appearance you assume, you will be our master whom we dedicate our absolute loyalty to."

"That's right, Lord Victor!" Aura and Shalltear both shout at once, only for them to glare at each other the next moment. After a few seconds, Aura scoffs and turns away, which Shalltear takes as a victory going by her grin. With that over, the latter faces me once more, "Your excellence and beauty are not things limited by your physical body!"

They aren't!? Do these NPCs have a screw or two loose in their head? Following Shalltear; Cocytus, Mare, and Victim shared their thoughts which were relatively similar views. Like, I do appreciate the (rather unwarranted) loyalty, but still… The reason I am so surprised by this is that I can sense zero falsities in their words. This isn't a case of flattering one's superior. No, they believe their claims at heart.

"That's true," Aura speaks up, "if anything, I find you looking much better like this. Not because your previous form was bad or anything, but because I… feel closer to you."

At that, the rest of the Floor Guardians aside from Victim turn their heads to look at her. Aura simply rubs the back of her head with a faint blush on her dark cheeks.

"Our dear master whom we dedicate ourselves to," Demiurge steps forth, "I wonder if you will enlighten us of this new power you have obtained for this to be the cost?"

Already asking the question I wanted them to. I've got to give it to Demiurge for his impeccable brain.

"That is something I look forward to showcasing," I state with a smile before I get up, setting Aletia down on the ground while at it.

"Bear witness to powers you will be wielding be in the future," I announce before pressing my palms together, as if praying, only to wave my arms to the sides, signifying 'expansion'. Along with the motion of my arms, the space near the walls of the Throne Hall deforms and then expands.

In a matter of seconds, the Throne Hall appears to be thrice the size of what it previously was. Not only that, but every connection to the other floors and mechanisms has been readjusted along with it, so no system or item is "broken".

Expectedly, the Floor Guardians are absolutely awed at the sight of a power that appear to be an illusory one, yet obviously isn't.

"With this newly attained power, we will bring the world down to its knees in the presence of Nazarick. Regardless of who it may be, as long as they belonged to Nazarick, the world will fear them. Such is the responsibility I seek of you. Do you have what it takes to fulfill it?"

The Floor Guardians appear to be quite moved as they shout an affirmative response in unison. Even if Victim's stood out from the rest due to the nature of his speech being in reverse…


Following those events, Nazarick has become much more active. Though, before that, I had to 'punish' Albedo and Demiurge, at their own request, for being useless in protecting me. No matter how much I made it clear that they would've never stood a chance, they refused to let go of the subject.

So, here I am now, deciding a befitting 'punishment' for the two. As for the two themselves, they are standing in front of my bed (which I am sitting on).

"Now then…" I mutter, causing Albedo to flinch. HEY! You were the one who demanded this when I said it didn't matter! Well, whatever. I'm guessing having them do anything will do. After all, based on what I have been able to infer from their attitude toward me – I am not one to make any mistakes and every action of mine has a deeper meaning. Even if it appears that there isn't, they will simply convince themselves that it's the fault of their own shortcomings.

Even an idiot could lead this place to glory by simply laying back and letting them do all the work. They have the power, the smarts, and whatever else required to do so. The leader would normally only be there to unite them despite their differences. However, considering how active I plan to be and the 'new' powers I have attained, that won't be the case.

"Demiurge. You are to take on a reconnaissance mission of human settlements in this land. We already have data on the kingdom that rules this land, so I need you to expand on that. Naturally, you are allowed to take those you deem fit for the mission with you."

He doesn't respond. That's weird. Not only that, but he has an odd look on his face with his mouth agape.

"…Amazing." Demiurge finally mutters. "To lay so much foundation and plans for the future in a mere punishment."

The fuck is he going on about? While it's true I would be using this opportunity to have him go play spy games, that's it. From his tone, there is apparently more…?

"Voice your thoughts." I command.

"Understood. Forgive me for my shallow understanding which only allows me to figure out fourteen sections of your plan."

Fourteen of my what? Seriously, what?

"At the core of the punishment, you make it clear that we are to pay for our mistakes by serving Nazarick, and that such punishment is to be shared among all residents, not it being the responsibility of higher ones alone."

… Okay, I can follow that logic. "Go on."

"Then, by having us perform a mission which we aren't trained in, we would gain new experience and grow from it. Not to mention that it would show the might of Nazarick to those who are less aware, since they would observe the shallow workings of human kingdom."

He is beginning to dig too deep now. But I am curious, so… "And?"

"It is also a test of our loyalty by having us mingle with the enemies, no matter how distasteful they are. Finding potential allies and infiltrating certain hidden societies, while also finding an opportunity to promote internal conflict."

Would you look at that. I am suddenly finding this guy to be much more likable than before. "You can stop here."

"Understood," he responds with a slight bow while pressing his palm against his chest. His orange suit compliments this action rather well.

"Seeing that you know what to do and needs to be done, you are excused."

With that, Demiurge affirms the command before taking his leave, leaving me in the room alone with Albedo.

"Now then…" I mutter with a smile, "what should I have you do?"

Albedo gulps as her eyes begin to twitch due to nervousness. She appears to be thinking of the worst-case scenario, which I bet in her case would probably be being dismissed from serving me or something like that.

"Well… after some careful thought, I've come to realize that there is an issue with the way you Floor Guardians perceive action and consequences. To solve that issue, I shall have you stay by my side during future excursions."

Albedo's eyes seemingly almost pop out of their sockets due to how much they widened. I can practically sense the joy oozing from her in reaction to her "punishment".

Well, it's obvious I simply want to appreciate this candy since I can, if not taste the candy itself when an opportunity arises.

I would do it now if I were in the mood, but recent events have put a lot on my mind. One such thing would be the "sub-system" and Nora. I have yet to try the former and speak with the latter since Yukari's appearance. Naturally, Yukari herself is something that's been bothering me as I ponder over what role she's meant to serve in this path 'I' have set for 'myself'.


END NOTES: That feeling when plot armor is literally a part of the story and explained. Well, partially for now.