Chapter 15

Tang Kexin couldn't see through this man, but she knew that he was definitely the type to do as he pleased, so she couldn't tell what he would do next.

But would he dare pull her clothes to peek on her shoulder without giving any warning whatsoever? And if by chance he would do so, which was so likely as this man seemed so beyond being frivolous, and see her covered wound, would he be deceived? Even if she did her best to cover her wound bite, considering the man's ability, it would never be hidden from his eyes.

Although she wasn't sure if the man from that night was this obnoxious man, Tang Kexin didn't dare look at him right now. That was because she knew very well that if it was him, the moment he discovered the wound on her left shoulder, she would probably turn into dust in the next moment.

"I think that's not possible, my Lord. The mountain road is too steep. I'm afraid I won't be able to have a good grasp of the scale." Tang Kexin suppressed the panic and confusion in her heart.

Tang Kexin looked up at the man and blinked her eyes. She spoke very seriously. However, it was this serious and solemn tone that made her ambiguous statement even more shocking.

His movements stopped, and his alluring eyes flashed. The usual smile in his eyes froze, and his lips subconsciously twitched. Even though he was calm, there was still a bit of astonishment in his eyes. 'The mountain road was too steep and she was afraid that he would not be able to grasp the good scale? Was this what the girl said?' Furthermore, she spoke so earnestly and seriously. Was this supposed to be the reaction of a normal young woman in this kind of circumstances? He was now determined that this woman was indeed very, very interesting.

"Then, my Lady, how about we try again after we're down the mountain?" The corners of his lips were suffused with an extreme brilliance, like the twinkling stars at night sky.

Tang Kexin felt frustrated and became speechless. When did she say to go down the mountain and try again? This man could misinterpret her words into the meaning he wanted. She discovered that even if she talked with reasons, she wouldn't still be able to topple this shameless devilish man.

This was the first time in her life that she was thoroughly subdued. Tang Kexin made up her mind, that she would not say more nor give any reaction to this man. No matter what would he say or do, she would just ignore him.

However, he suddenly raised her hand. At this moment, the bruise Mu Shaoyi left behind on her wrist had become so horrendous it couldn't be overlooked.

"Does it hurt?" Seeing the bruise on her wrist, his gaze seemed to grow colder. However, his voice was still magnetic and pleasant to the ears, making it hard to detect the imbued emotions.

Tang Kexin's heart gave a start. She didn't understand what this man was up to. When his gentleness spread out from his mouth and actions, it could definitely had the power to destroy flowers and willow trees.

"It hurts." Tang Kexin, who had just made up her mind to ignore him, still replied in the end. Her bones had almost been crushed by Mu Shaoyi. How could she not feel pain?

"Pfft." Nangong Yi was stunned for a moment before suddenly laughing out loud, his eyes looking at her with a light glint in his eyes.

Tang Kexin's heart sank. She was in pain, yet he was very happy? Tang Kexin was so annoyed she couldn't say anything.

Nangong Yi seemed to be in a good mood, so he stifled his laughter when he saw Tang Kexin's reaction. He leaned against the carriage as he faintly smiled at her.

Tang Kexin felt uncomfortable under his gaze. It was a good thing that the mountain path wasn't too far wide, so it didn't take long for them to reach the foot of the mountain.

"My Lord, we have already arrived. You may..." Earlier, he said that he would take her carriage down the mountain. Now that they had descended the mountain, she directly spoke, wanting to chase him away.

"Are you reminding me that we still have some unfinished matter to tend to now that we are down the mountain? Indeed, I find the ground here very suitable, my Lady, for us to continue..." However, halfway through his words, he suddenly leaned over and mumbled something that was not hidden.

"…" Tang Kexin's lips quirked as she became more and more speechless. She suddenly realized something: it was impossible to make any sense to this man.

Tang Kexin exhaled and exhaled again. She was now too anxious to know of how she could get rid of this philanderer.

"What is it? Thinking of escaping? Maybe we could make a deal. If you succeed in escaping today…" He seemed to have seen through her thoughts, and the faint smile on his lips curled up into a teasing smile.

Tang Kexin subconsciously raised her gaze and looked at him.

"If you can successfully escape, we could temporarily stop this..." The corners of his lips curled up, and the smile on his face became even more radiant. However, the words he spoke were…

Tang Kexin clenched her fists tightly. Of course, she understood what he meant. Right now, she didn't want to escape, but to hit him. Tang Kexin knew in her heart that with her current strength, it was impossible for her to beat him up, so she endured.

"My Lord, this is my way home..." The meaning in her words was that as long as she reached home, she would naturally be able to get rid of him. There was no need to run at all. She didn't believe that he would still be able to follow her when she reached home. However, his next sentence was like a thunderbolt that struck the heart of Tang Kexin.