Chapter 17

Nangong Yi's body visibly stiffened, unconsciously sitting up straight, distancing himself from her.

Tang Kexin saw his reaction and inwardly laughed. It seemed that this move worked.

"My Lord, an urgent report has come from the City." At this time, a respectful voice was heard from outside the carriage.

"Right!" Nangong Yi replied as he stood up and left the carriage without saying a single word to Tang Kexin.

Tang Kexin stared blankly at him as the corners of her lips curled up. That obnoxious man had finally left, but she didn't know if he was really busy or not. Or was he scared away by her? However, no matter what, she had finally sent this god of pests away. As for whether he was the man from that night, she didn't dare to investigate too much now.

When she returned to the Prime Minister's estate, the Prime Minister was so happy that he could not keep his mouth shut. The Prime Minister's wife was even more surprised and cried because of happiness. It could be seen that even though Tang Kexin had always been a fool, both of her parents had still doted on her.

Of course, Tang Kexin did not want to make a scene that would arouse suspicion, even though she had already recovered from her 'illness' and had not left the manor since she returned, but she had been idled for too long. And being idle like this made Tang Kexin felt a bit bored. Thus, Tang Kexin began to construct something to make herself busy and, being the her of modern world who had to make herself useful everytime, productive.

"Young Mistress, what are you doing?" Dong'er knew that her mistress' current self was different from before, and that her current self understood a lot of things, which some were beyond her grasp to understand.

Now, for example, her young mistress was trying to tie up a tree with a wire, but she could not comprehend what for. She looked like a child making up something to simply amuse herself, but Dong'er knew it wasn't the case. Her young mistress' maturity seemed to had grown considerably to just play around.

"You'll know in a while." Tang Kexin hid nothing to Dong'er. She was thankful this girl was smart and tactful, knowing when to stop asking. And the most important thing, was her indefinite loyalty towards her—it was simply insurmountable.

"Okay then, Young Mistress." Dong'er responded, her eyes filled with anticipation.

At this time, a guard came in to announce, "Miss, Young Master Mu is here."

"Hmm tell him I'm busy." Tang Kexin's mind didn't budge as she continued to work on her new project. She was really busy at the moment and didn't have the time to meet Mu Shaoyi.

The guard was stunned. To be honest, he really couldn't tell what their Miss was busy with.

Although the lady wasn't acting stupid, her actions were quite strange. And though their young Miss had recovered from her illness, but prior to her renowned 'treatment', she had never learned anything challenging before nor know many things. So whatever the young Miss was accomplishing right now was something not useful if not worthless. The guard sighed, wondering when the young lady would completely recover.

"Miss, it's Young Master Mu, your fiancé, is here right now and was waiting for you at the Main Hall." The guard thought that Tang Kexin might had not understand him properly, so he stressed once again that the Young Master Mu, whom she had a deep affection with, was looking for her at the moment.

"Guard, have you not heard Miss' reply? Go and tell the Young Master Mu what was said." Dong'er, on the other hand, who was well aware of her young Mistress' current feelings toward Mu Shaoyi, prompted the guard impatiently.

"Oh…" The guard murmured to himself. He found it baffling, that the young miss, who had been treating the Young Master Mu with deep infatuation if not obsession, now became unconcerned with the said young man. Was it because their miss' illness was now cured that her whole temperament and preferences had changed?

However, since the young miss said she wouldn't see the young master, then naturally he had to informed the involved person.

Not long after, Mu Shaoyi barged in with a dark expression. And before he could even materialise, he roared like he wanted to tear Tang Kexin apart.

"Tang Kexin, what are you playing at? You want to play a game of capturing heart with me? You—" But halfway through his words, he suddenly stopped.

The scene that came into his view the moment he entered the courtyard had made him freeze and speechless.