Chapter 37

At this moment, Tang Kexin really wished that she had amnesia. No, that's not right. What was the use of having amnesia?

It should be the third prince who must have the amnesia.

However, Tang Kexin knew in her heart that that scenario was impossible. She felt that the Third Prince's chances of having amnesia was definitely lower than winning the lottery.

One more thing, he said, 'Are you sure?'. But which was said between her and Ye Lanchen pertained to that question of the Third Prince? She hadn't said a lot, did she?

At this moment, Tang Kexin's heart felt bitter and heavy. How could the heavens treat her like this...! If she knew that the Third Prince was right behind them, she wouldn't dare say those words, even if she would be beaten up, she would never, ever!

Her vigilance was extremely high. Normally, if someone approached her, she would be alerted even if they were more than a mile away. However, why was it that every time the Third Prince approached her, she couldn't sense his presence instantly?

As expected, one shouldn't be talking about others behind their backs, even if the words were not wrong... It would still not beneficial to both.

"This humble girl greets His Highness." Tang Kexin did her best to suppress the panic in her heart. Her heart trembled as she stiffly turned around to face Ye Lanjue and gave him a formal bow.

The corners of Ye Lanjue's eyebrows slightly moved as he looked at her in amazement. She scolded him behind his back, yet she was still able to remain indifferent after being caught by him!

She sure was professional...

"Third Imperial Brother?" Ye Lanchen turned around and looked at Ye Lanjue. He was so shocked that he sucked in a breath.

Why would his Third Brother suddenly appear behind them? Did he hear the heartfelt words of this girl just now? Would he get angry?

Actually, he felt that his Third Brother wasn't someone who was stingy and hold grudges. The Third Prince he knew was the most valiant prince of this unparalleled Great Yuan Empire, who had the reverence of its people. Although he might be the most feared prince, but he was the most renowned one.

So, how could his Third Royal Brother be a stingy and vengeful person?

Therefore, he felt that the Third Emperor would not be angered by such a small matter and would not be troubled by those words just now.

Ye Lanchen heaved a sigh after the realisation...

However, as the Fourth Prince let out the breath he had been holding, the Third Prince's next sentence immediately destroyed all of Ye Lanchen's discernment.

"This Prince is stingy and hold grudges, you say?" Ye Lanjue faced Tang Kexin with complicated expression, his unique cold aura coated his words, word by word. They were low and heavy, without much of emotion. There wasn't even the slightest trace of anger.

These words were obviously meant to probe the sincerity of the person who initially stated the statement.

Tang Kexin lowered her head and didn't say anything. Actually, she really wanted to be proud and brazenly reply 'Yes', but she thought better of it. She felt that her life was still the most important thing right now. If she really said that, then the Third Prince might have really kill her this instant.

"Third Imperial Brother, Xin Xin was just joking, she really didn't mean them…" Ye Lanchen didn't gloat this time, nor did he want to stir up trouble. Instead, he was pleading for Tang Kexin being his newly found friend.

"Tang Kexin, you're slandering this Prince." Ye Lanjue didn't pay any attention to Ye Lanchen. His eyes were fixated on Tang Kexin. His voice was still calm, but the words he said were enough to make one's heart to tremble with agitation.

Slandering... Damaging the good reputation of the renowned Third Prince of the Great Yuan Empire?

Hearing this, Ye Lanchen was scared to the point that his entire body was covered in sweat. This was truly unprecedented! His third imperial brother usually wasn't this petty, so what happened today?

"Third Brother... Xin Xin definitely did not have the intention of slandering the Third Imperial Brother...!" Ye Langchen was a bit confused. Normally, his Third Brother wouldn't even bother with such a small matter. But now, why was he making this a big deal?

Although what Xin Xin said about his Third Imperial Brother was wrong, it wasn't enough to slander him. Was it?

Tang Kexin didn't say anything. He had already heard everything clearly. Nothing she could say now would of any use. Ye Lanjue even used the word 'slander' making this situation too serious and too frightening.

He was a high and mighty prince. Since he had already spoken in such a manner, what else could a commoner like her say?

In reality, Tang Kexin did not agree with his words. Slander? It's not a slander, it's the truth. Look at it now, it's the best proof.

Of course, in this situation, she wouldn't be so stupid as to say so.

"But really, what was your purpose in making up such accusation to this prince?" Ye Lanjue's gaze darkened with unfathomable expression as he suddenly changed the subject. His eyes possessed a sharpness that could cause a person's soul to flee!

With just this sentence, Tang Kexin's breathing stopped, and her heart stopped beating.

She had indeed said those words to Ye Lanchen on purpose. To stop him from bugging her and to prevent him from investigating further.

But how could he saw through her completely?

At this moment, Tang Kexin truly understood how frightening Ye Lanjue was. And that if ever he wanted to end her, it would be just a matter of minutes. Moreover, no one could save her, not even the empress.

Ye Lanchen was stunned. He was a little confused... Purpose what? What was his third brother talking about?

Could it be that Xin Xin had really offended his Third Brother in some way, and that the situation was very serious, that it even angered him, who was usually unperturbed?

"Tang Kexin... Do you really think I will let you go?" In the next moment, Ye Lanjue's pupils abruptly narrowed as the atmosphere abruptly turned cold. The surrounding pressure instantly condensed, engulfing a danger that could swallow a person alive.

Her nature had always been fearless, but now, she was too terrified from the bottom of her heart of the ambiance.

Ye Lanchen had always known how terrifying his third brother could be, but this was the first time he had seen him like this. He knew this brother of his could turn everything in the world into ashes in an instant, let alone a girl.

"But Xin Xin... Imperial Mother has prepared a carriage already. You should go back first." For the first time, Ye Lanchen put away his usual cynicism. There was no longer the playfulness of wanting to stir up chaos in the world, and his expression became serious. It was rare to see such a serious expression on his face.

As Ye Lanchen spoke, even though his legs were trembling from the frightening aura that had engulf them, he moved in between of the two to block Ye Lanjue's view of Tang Kexin.

However, right now, it was clear that Ye Lanjue's focus of attention was Tang Kexin. And whatever he wants, he gets...

At this moment, Tang Kexin felt as if her heart had lost its ability to beat.

If he really was the man from that night, Tang Kexin knew that he would dismembered her into thousands of pieces without further ado.

However, she was still hoping against hope that it wasn't him... It couldn't be him...

Tang Kexin heaved a sigh of relief thanking Ye Lanchen from the bottom of her heart before turning around to leave.

No matter how foolish she was, there was no way she could just stand there and wait for death.

Tang Kexin was in a hurry to leave, so she did not notice that behind her back, the corner of the person's mouth whom she wanted to ran from slowly curved upwards.

Escaping? Did she think she could escape from him?