Third Gate: Chasm of Tenebris (Part 2)

The team were back to the luxurious limousine and they all sat quietly while the chauffeur drove them around the city. The old butler acted as a tour guide and introduced all the places they passed through. He would always ask if they were interested in checking them out - the casinos, strip clubs, and bars amongst others, but Elliot always shook his head. Nothing about the people laughing as they wasted money, beautiful women dancing on poles as men feasted on them, or people dancing to the beat of music, the fun-looking games men played, alcohol and other interesting-looking things all around, seemed to amuse him.

It's been an hour and Elliot still sat with his elbows leaning on the soft armrest, and his face rested on the back of his hands, sulking. He was still irritated from what happened. Luna had been pouting all along as well, while hugging Rania's arms. Ducis was also quiet, as he sat arms crossed, and just stared at the windows like Elliot.