Third Gate: Chasm of Tenebris (Part 9)

After rebuking the Basilisk, Rania went back to Elliot and Luna to check on them. The two were already awoken and slowly got up as they touched their heads.

"Waaaa, my head hurts," Luna groaned. "What happened?"

"We were trapped in an illusion when we stepped in the magic circle," Rania answered as she knelt before them. 

"So it was all an illusion," Elliot added. "Then that means - " His face lit up.

Rania smiled at him, "Yes, your first kiss is still safe and sound".

"Pfft, shouldn't it be yours, not mine?" 

"Hmm, well, technically, I'm the one who -"

"HUH?! What is all this talk about kisses?" Luna interrupted. Her face was filled with questions. "Who got kissed? And who kissed? Why didn't I see that? What in the world happened? Tell me!"

"Well … ahmm …," Rania and Elliot blushed from her persistent asking.

"It's not suitable for young audiences," Rania dismissed her as she raised her forefinger.