The Prodigy

~ [Music Recommendation: "Heaven" by Roy Kim (instrumental only) - available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this scene XD ~ 0////0

After Elliot's momentary transformation into a wolf in sheep's clothing, Rania put some distance between them. Whenever Elliot drew close to her, she found herself unconsciously stepping back. Noticing her change of behaviour and knowing the reason why, Elliot discovered a new side of him - a side that somehow, enjoyed teasing Rania. Instead of sulking because Rania was being distant to him, he found it amusing and kept on deliberately approaching her.

"Elliot, stop it!" Rania pouted, finally losing her patience. She noticed Elliot was enjoying it so she decided to confront him instead while they walked towards the Forbidden Forest.

"Stop what?" Elliot innocently tilted his head.