Sixth Gate: Gale of Ventus (Part 1)

~ [Music Recommendation: "You are so beautiful" by Eddy Kim (Instrumental only - Goblin OST) - available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in the loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter XD ~

Seeing the flushed faces of Rania and Elliot, Luna lifted her chin and looked smug.

"Eehh? What's this I'm seeing?" Luna snickered. "You can't lie to me! Did you two -"

Whoooooossh! Whooooooosh!

Ducis' transformed into a dragon and flapped his giant black wings, almost creating a whirlwind in the process. 

"Stop your nonsense, midget. We don't have all day," Ducis lectured her in a booming voice. "Hop on my back".

"Tsk!" Luna clicked her tongue. "Just when I was about to get to the juicy part, hmf!"

Getting on Ducis' back, Rania, Elliot, and Luna flew towards the floating castle.