Sixth Gate: Gale of Ventus (Part 3)

~ [Music Recommendation: "Heaven" by Roy Kim (instrumental only) - available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this scene XD ~ 0////0

"Chickeeeeeen," Luna drooled in front of the stall that sold crispy fried chickens. They were divided per part and looked scrumptiously delicious. Her eyes shimmered in delight and excitement. Still looking at the cooked chickens, she tugged Ducis' sleeves and begged, "I want thooooose. Give me money, dragon."

Ducis irked. "Ugh, how shameless can you be, midget?"

"Argh, I'm not a mid - hmf! Fine, I'll forgive you for now, but I want those chickens!" Luna demanded. Realizing she shouldn't be acting that way, she clapped her hands together and acted cutely, "Pleeease? Pretty please? I don't have money".