Extra #6: Untold Tales (Zeid and Rania - Part 1)

~ [Music Recommendation: "The Heart's Tale" by BigRicePiano (Instrumental only) - available in Youtube] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this scene ~

Hi Beloved Readers!

For today's extra chapter, I wrote about Zeid and Rania, how they met, and started their love. Hope you enjoy it! <3

Ps: This is "Part One" only. Next parts will be in the upcoming extra chapters, along with other "Untold Tales" from other characters.


Water poured like rain from the shower room where Zeid stood still with a blank expression on his face. His mind was elsewhere. Far beyond the bathroom he was in, or the luxurious suite where he stayed, and even far beyond the present. With eyes unblinking, he reminisced about the past as his heart longed so deeply for Rania. 

He could still clearly remember the day he first saw her …