(UPDATED!) Extra #9: A Little Surprise

Hi Beloved Readers!

Welcome to another EXTRA chapter!!!

But before we start, I would like to take this chance to sincerely apologize to all of my readers especially to those who have been waiting eagerly for my updates. I'm terribly sorry for all the filler chapters I've been publishing and for my delays of updating them, even missing my promised dates most of the time. For this, I am truly, deeply sorry. T_T

(bows in 'dogeza')

As I announced previously, a lot happened to me this past few months - my grandmother's passing, getting sick, medicating but not working so I had to go under operation, then the flood and a lot of other things as well. T_T It was hard but I got through with the help of many people … family, friends, even you all, my beloved readers, and most of all, the Most High. 

Thank you so much for all the support. T_T I can't express how thankful I am that you're still sticking with me despite all my failures and broken promises.