Shrine of Ventus

[Music Recommendation: "Bound by Fate" by Yasunori Mitsuda (Chrono Cross OST) - available in Spotify or Youtube]

"Haah… I'm dead," Selena said and dropped her knees on the floor, feeling extremely exhausted after launching her final blow to the monster. "I want to soak in a hot spring and relax."

Like her, the others also felt tired after the long battle, so everyone prepared to rest. The Guardians were once again in charge of lodging—setting up the camp, bath area, and others; and Selena, Illuminaire, and Clavis for cooking. While doing so, Ducis strengthened the barrier of the shrine, and Illuminaire let another clone of Rania to fix the fissures.

Since Selena felt dead tired, she left Clavis to cook and immediately dived into the hot spring as soon as the Guardians finished creating one for the women and another for the men. They separated them with magic and the campsite in between where they sleep.