Her Worth

River cursed himself in his mind as regret took over him completely. What he did was absolutely stupid. He was supposed to teach her a lesson, to make her hurt because of all the things that she just said about him and his realm but what he did was totally the opposite.

The moment she was under him, and he claimed her lips, he forgot everything else other than the fact that she was his soulmate, even though forbidden, she was his one and only true soulmate. Instead of punishing her, he only cared about pleasuring her as her soft gasps and moans were like the sweetest melody in existence to his ears and he wanted to hear more of them.

A long sigh escaped his lips as he rubbed his face with his hands. He could still smell her on his fingers, and his lips still remembered the taste of her rosy full lips. He almost wanted to groan out loud in frustration at the direction his thoughts were taking.

Even now, when his mind was back to reality, his body and soul yearned for her. A voice was telling him to forget about everything else and just focus on her and finish what he had started, to make her cry out his name while he was buried deep inside her. The mere imagination of that moment had his hardness twitching in the confinement of his clothes.

He spared a quick glance at the girl and found her back facing him as she had turned toward the other side. Her long strawberry-blonde curls were spread across the pillows and her milky white bare back was luring his attention back to her.

River had to close his eyes and shook his head repeatedly to get rid of the thirsty thoughts that were trying to take over his imagination. He needed to do something to get rid of the desire that had bloomed between them before it would be too late. He needed to make sure that she won't misunderstand this mistake as his agreement to their bond.

He needed to bring back the hostility between them that had been present there from the very beginning to make sure that their bonds would never try to flourish. He had to destroy any sort of warmth in her heart toward him. She could never be his mate and no matter what the stars had destined, the two of them could never become one.

So... he did the only thing that came into his mind, even when he knew that he was undoubtedly going overboard this time but it was the right thing to do. It was the only way he could think of at the moment to destroy any sort of good feeling that must have developed in their bond.

He morphed his expression into his usual arrogant and cold look before standing up and moving toward the other side of the bed to stand right in front of Roselyn who hurriedly clutched the cover against her chest while looking anywhere but at him.

He smirked as he took out his wallet and then selected a few bank notes before putting them on the bedside table, noticing the confusion that took over the girl's face as she followed his actions with her beautiful amber eyes.

"Can't believe I'm paying you for having such a bad time. But this can't be helped after all. What if you later went around the campus telling people that you have successfully taken advantage of their innocent Prince? That would undoubtedly damage my image. So, here... your worth." His words couldn't be colder.

The girl stared at him with a dumbfounded expression on her face as she moved to a sitting position while making sure to keep her upper body hidden behind the blanket as she muttered, "Don't you dare, River." The warning was clear in her voice and also in her eyes which seemed to be turning into molten lava.

But River had a mission that he needed to accomplish... no matter the price! So, he continued like the heartless man he was - "Why? Can't you bear to hear the truth, Little rose? That's bad... because I don't plan to keep the truth from you."

He took a few steps closer before bending his waist a little to bring his face closer to hers as he whispered, "You really aren't worthy enough to be my soulmate. Wanna know why I stopped? Because even when you were lying naked under me... you failed to pick my interest. If you can't even entice your own soulmate... tsk tsk!"


The sound of the harsh slap that suddenly landed on his cheek rang through the walls of the bedroom and he felt his cheek burning in pain. The force of her palm was so powerful that if not for the fact that he was a fae and not some mere mortal, he would definitely have ended up on the floor.


Her voice wasn't really loud but it was sharp enough to wake the dead. Her eyes were glaring living fire at him and he could tell clearly that his words had done their job perfectly.

River's inner fae clawed at him, his soul despising him for doing something so horrible to his soulmate but nothing of that mattered to him. The only thing that mattered was to make sure that the girl would never become an obstruction in his life.

He chuckled while rubbing his chin as he spoke, "I will let you go this time as I can understand you have been petrified after hearing the truth. And to remind you... this is my bedroom... but I can lend it to you for a while. Once you will leave, I will have to ask the pixies to clean every inch of my room to get rid of any sort of evidence of your presence here."

He watched as the girl clenched her hands into tight fists and a voice inside his head warned him to leave the place immediately.