Escape (1)


Under the cover of the night, four shadows were silently running towards the gates of Roaring Wind City. Jumping from roof to roof, the four shadows stealthily targeted the red gate ahead of them. They are only a few feet away from the gates when...


Suddenly a loud force erupted from the gates causing the four shadows to stumble back inside the city.

"What the-" Shiiba rolled back a few meters after controlling herself to a halt.

"They knew. They are here. Be careful." Midel's eyes turned into slits and his lips arched down into a frown. Being a seer-oracle makes his journeys perilous on a daily basis. This is nothing rare to him but right now he have three other people with him. "Curse this young master! He just wouldn't give up!"

"Watch out!" Yllana screamed at Lucien. Five white-caped soldiers appeared before the gate, a few feet away from Lucien.

"Legendary Knights! Better try to outrun them. We can try to fight, but then, the results won't be magnificent." Lucien looked on icily at the five knights in front of them. Their black armors shone against their white capes giving a stark contrast.

"The highest is in high rank. M-Midel, what should we do?" Shiiba clutched tightly on Midel's sleeve. Her voice was shaking and her eyes were wide with fear.

"If you are done running around, can we now get that dual-class from your hands?" One of the knights stood tall arrogantly in the middle of the group. He swept his gaze on the four people before them and stopped at Midel.

"You people really can't just sit still whenever I'm around." Midel snorted and chanted.

" Shadowmoon Globe,"

A mist clouded on his palm before a silver crystal globe appeared on the center. It was as small as a tennis ball. "Misty Shadows," his voice was light almost ethereal as he spoke two words. From the globe in his hand, a thick puff of smoke crawled down to the ground and surrounded the five knights.

Swish! Slash! Swish!

When the five knights swung their swords, the smoke dispersed for a moment then went crawling back. "Elgar!" one of the knights on the left looked at the middle knight and gave him a nod.

"Heaven's berserker," he hummed in a low voice. His tone brought shivers to the people who were eavesdropping inside their houses. After a few seconds, the sky opened a bright hole above

Elgar. A swirling twister rammed down on the ground in front of the five knights. The twister was so powerful it drilled a giant hole on its path. The mist that was attacking the knights was sucked into the twister and disappeared.

Yllana gritted her teeth and looked at Lucien, "Dome!"

"I can't. The twister is huge," he replied.

Yllana looked at the twister. She was more than familiar with that technique. Once a knight reaches legendary ranks, this berserker will also start to grow stronger. At the moment, they are facing the initial stage of the technique but it is still a technique that can kill a common rank citizen like her.

She bit her lip. There is a technique that she knew which can counterattack it but her strength would be drained faster.

Two of the knights dashed forward to Midel and Shiiba. And another one was heading towards her direction. The twister was aiming at Lucien alone!

"Lucien!" her mind turned into turmoil. She rammed her head straight into the knight's chest. Caught in an unexpected situation, the knight was stunned for a second and all he felt was a banging pain on his chest. The girl banged her head directly into his chest! No ordinary girl would even think about that! What of decent image? What of prim and proper timid girls? She was none of those! She was one who hid her gender just to achieve a high rank in the imperial capital. No girl was ranked as a Holy Knight before... just her! And she kept it well-hidden that she never thought that her brazenness would be too hard to remove already. That's right, she is already a hard-headed knight before and right now her attitude from her previous job is starting to show.

"What a peculiar girl," Elgar smiled coolly when he saw Yllana's actions.

She took three long leaps before arriving at Lucien who was resisting the twister. Countless cuts riddled him all over. It was a ghastly sight seeing him bleed too much but too slow to kill him directly. Without any hesitation, she reached up her hands and shouted to the sky, "Heavens bless me with strength!"

White blinding light flashed from Yllana's chest and enveloped her whole body. Lucien and the other knights looked puzzled at her. Yllana quickly jumped into the center of the twister.

"Yllana!" three different voices yelled the instant she disappeared into their view.

"That's a mage. She can't do anything. We need to finish them quickly and get the seer." Elgar ordered the knights. He pointed his sword at Midel and Shiiba guiding the twister to slowly move into their direction. Shiiba growled. It was a thin feminine growl like a little newborn puppy. Her light blue eyes turned black. Her blue robe turned into white fur. And her four limbs transformed into four slender legs. She stood tall, proud and angry before the knights attacking her and Midel.

The white wolf posed in front of Midel and growled once more revealing a set of sharp white teeth. Shiiba completely changed from a small little girl into a towering white wolf taller than Midel.

The knights did not mind the transformation and continued barraging the two with blows.

Then, when all hope seems lost, a frail thin voice echoed from the center of the twister.