Ruining a Kingdom with a Smile (1)

Her dainty little hands hovered over the crystal ball in slow circular movements. The faint glow coming from the crystal is reflected in her white eyes. In that small and silent room, Yllana and Lucien held their breaths in anticipation. The eerie silence made Yllana look over Lucien more than twice to see if he also feels the same. She sighed when she noticed how calm he is.

"The winds in the East and West are changing. Innocent little lambs will be brutally slaughtered. And the eclipse of the white and red moon will soon take place as the Accursed One's fate overtakes her will." Mariek's voice sounded different. It was more mature and calmer than her natural childish tone. There were certainty and steadiness in all her movements. 

"You're not jittery today," Yllana commented on the side as she observed Mariek.

She chuckled. "Focusing helps our nerves a lot in this state."