Remember my advise

The chilly December breeze blew gently across the tree, allowing its leaves to swing from side to side. The wind mopped the streets as it passed by, carrying the falling leaves high above the ground and into the air. People continued passing by, causing the sidewalk to become boisterous with the sound of footsteps.

A married couple and their kids sat outside by the shop window as their children happily licked their ice cream and played freely with each other. Julie watches through the glass and stares at their cheerful faces. They reminded her of her childhood days when she did not understand how terrifying and depressing life was and how hurtful people could be. She can still recollect the first day she discovered that the world was not full of sunshine and rainbows.

The door to the Harper bakery shop flew open, and her four-year-old self ran toward her father with her mother by her side. Her dad could see that his child seemed upset about something. So he asked her mum about why his kid was sad, but her mom did not know the answer either. Her mother had picked her up from daycare and found her crying by herself at the school playground.

Her mother had tried several ways to get her to explain what happened to her at the nursery, but Julie wouldn't speak. She sat quietly with her puffy red eyes and quivering lips. When her mom could not give her dad the reason, her dad lifted his daughter and held her in his arms. He then gently tapped her on her back until she felt better. Julie is twenty-four years older now, but she still remembers how safe and peaceful her father's hug felt that moment.

Her dad then let her down from his arms when he noticed that she did not seem unhappy anymore. "Will you tell Dada what made you so sad?" He said to her in a childish tone.

She nodded her head and stared firmly at the floor. "Emily said she doesn't want to be my friend anymore because I have four eyes." She explained to her dad.

"Ho, honey. Is that why you remove your glasses off your face?" Her mother asked, and she nodded her head.

"Baby, the doctor prescribed the glasses for you yesterday to help your eyes see clearer. If you take it off, you cannot see well, and it may hurt your eyes." Her mom explained to her.

However, she did not want to wear glasses if her friends would think she's ugly. "But Mom, Emily will not want to be my friend anymore, and the other kids won't want to play with me either." She said.

Her father hugged her mother because she was whimpering. "My poor baby. It's too soon for her to experience this situation. Moments like these in a kid's life scar them for a long time and lower their self-esteem." Her mother told him. Her dad slowly brushes her mother's hair with his hand as she watches both her parents and wonders what is going on.

Later on, when her mother got a grip on herself, her dad lifted her for the second time, but this experience differed from the first. He raised her high above his head, and she could see everything in the room from that height.

"The world is a gigantic place, full of nature and humans. Sometimes we have awful weather and pleasant weather, but both kinds of weather play a major role on the earth. They could cause danger to the earth or heal it. It's the same with humans because there are terrible people and wonderful ones. Some may hurt you without realizing it, like your friend Emily because she's still a child. Others will do it unintentionally, which most grown-ups do. But the ones you should stay away from are the people who break you down intentionally. They will never be of any help to your growth in life." Her dad advised her.

However, her four-year-old mind did not understand his words. Her father saw the confusion in her eyes and said, "I know you don't understand me now. Still, I want you to remember these words. Okay?"

She nodded her head, and her father beamed. "That's my girl. You don't have to worry about how Emily feels about you because I will be your friend forever, even if my hair and beard turn gray. Do you want dad to be your best friend?" Her father asked.

She replied happily with a bright smile, "Yes! Does that mean I am your best friend in the whole wide world too?"

Her dad twirls her around the room, and her eyes light up. "Hahaha, hehe hehe..." Her happy giggle echoed throughout their home. "Yeah, Julie is daddy's best friend in the entire universe. So don't be blue anymore." He replied.

"Julie, is everything okay? Did I do or say something wrong?" Daniel shouted to get her attention. He had been calling Julie, but he could not get a response from her.

Julie stares away from the window and the children. She then focuses on Daniel. "No, you did nothing wrong. You have been kind to me." She replied.

Daniel glanced at her french fries and baked chickens. He noticed that Julie had not touched her food for more than an hour now. "If I did not upset you, then why haven't you touched your food?" Daniel asked.

Julie saw that her mood was affecting him negatively. "I am so sorry, Daniel. You are such a wonderful guy. It would be improper for me to deceive you. I am not mad at you, but you are right, I am angry and sad. I will be frank with you, the person I need to be with right now is not you but someone else. I apologize for using up your time. And I hope we can still be friends after today." Julie said as she grabbed her bag.

Daniel was glad that she had told him the truth. Because being in the dark about how she felt was stressing him out. "I would love to be friends with you." He said.

Julie smiled and replied, "Thank you. Plus, I'm sorry about everything."

Daniel watched her walk out of the shop after they had said their goodbyes, and he smiled. There are some people you don't hold unto if they will never fall in love with you. Instead, you set them free because if you don't, that person becomes a bird trapped in a cage they never desire to get caught in with you.

Daniel knew he had done the right thing by letting her go. He saw that Julie could not love him the way he dreamed she would. He could tell it from the way she gazed at Steven.