Tired of it all

When Jackson got into the living room, he still felt this sharp anger running through his veins. The entire house seemed like a cage to him, his body was building up tension, and the stiffness within the air made him feel like he was slowly suffocating.

At that moment, all Jackson wanted was to leave the anger and the pain at home and go somewhere else. So that's what he did. Jackson left the house, got in his car, and drove off.

After a three-hour drive, Jackson found himself at "Twilight Beach." He packed his car, got out of the vehicle, took off his sneakers, and walked on the sand. The moment Jackson's feet felt the heat of the sand and the sunlight on his face, he experienced a sense of relief flowing through his soul.

The beach was empty at that hour, and Jackson had the entire area to himself. He felt so amazing being one with nature as he buried his feet in the sand and gazed at the bright sun reflecting its light on the surface of the water. It was a sight to behold, and Jackson admires every second. The calmness of the wave and the whisper of the wind carried Jackson deep into his thoughts.

'Jennie is getting on my last nerve these days, and I don't know how long I can hold it in before it becomes unbearable for me.' Jackson angrily thought.

'But to be honest, it's her choice to have a baby or not since it's her body.' He then calmly thought.

'I know that. But before we got married, Jennie knew I wanted kids in the future. If she didn't want to have one, shouldn't she have just said so, instead of filling my head with excuses every time I brought the subject up?' Jackson thought with rage in his eyes.

'Your wife didn't tell you she didn't want kids. She's just not ready right now for a baby, that's all Jennie meant. Can you allow her to have her will this time?' He thought as he tried to reason with his wife in his mind.

"Nope! I am not allowing her to have her wish in this matter. She had gotten away with too much in this marriage. And it's my turn to have the final saying." Jackson openly said. He has decided, and he plans to stand by it.

Time flew by quickly, and it was two o'clock on the dot. Jackson's phone buzzed, and he checked it to see who was texting him.

"Sir, we are done with the phone, and you can pick it up at this hour. We will be expecting your presence at our company today." The message stated.

Jackson gloomily sighed. Between the arguments with Jennie and battling his thoughts, Jackson had forgotten that he had an appointment to pick up his wife's phone.

"Well, great! My relaxing moment is over, and now it's time to get back to reality." Jackson sarcastically mumbles before he gets up from the sand and goes back to his car.

Jennie gazed at the wall clock. And it was now five-thirty. She worried about her husband. He left the house without even telling her about his whereabouts, and she did not have a phone to call him.

"Throwing your phone in the toilet was the stupidest plan you have ever come up with, and now you can't even find out if your husband is okay or not." Jennie scolded herself as she paced back and forth with an anxious expression.

A few minutes passed, and the doorbell rang, "Ding!" "Dong!" Jennie rushed to the door at the second ring and opened it. When she saw who was standing on her balcony, fear and shock were the only two expressions Jennie wore on her face.

"Sherman! What are you doing here? You should be in England." Jennie said in a shaky tone.

"My boss has been calling you, but your number is off. That's why he sent me to deliver a new phone for you." A huge man wearing a black suit said.

"Thanks, Sherman. However, please tell your boss I don't need his phone." Jennie replied, feeling nervous, knowing she would not have a will in this discussion.

"I am sorry, madam. But Boss said you should remember the first rule of the contract you signed with him. He also stated that if you don't recall the words, I should remind you of them. Party B is not allowed to refuse party A offers and orders." Sherman responded with a straight face.

"Please inform him that his device is not needed because I have already ordered a phone online," Jennie replied. She then attempted to shut the door in Sherman's face, but he put his foot in the doorway.

"Madam! My boss told me if you don't accept this phone and I return with it, he will personally deliver it at your home and introduce himself to your husband. So I suggest that you take it now." Sherman warned her.

Jennie rudely grabbed the little gift bag Sherman had in his hand and opened it. She took out a gold-colored box and removed the top. Inside the box was an iPhone 6 Pink Diamond.

'Oh, no! Everything has become a mess. Jackson will never believe that I bought this phone. How can I even come up with a lie to explain how I got a phone with a frame made of diamonds?' Jennie cried to herself.

"Before I leave, there's one last thing he wanted me to tell you. The phone has an inbuilt sim, and that's the only number he wants to call you on. If your phone is off for over two days, you should be expecting him." Sherman stated.

"I understand!" Jennie said before slamming the door in his face.

Jackson pulled up in his driveway after he had picked up his wife's phone and saw a blacked-out AUDI R8 car leaving his residence.

It bothers him a lot to see such an expensive vehicle leaving his home since his only wealthy friend was Steven, and his buddy did not own a luxurious car like this one.

After parking in the right spot, Jackson got down with a cute yellow bag in his hand and headed into his home.

Jennie's back remained turned to the dining room entrance. Her focus was on her phone, and her mind got occupied with various thoughts that she couldn't hear Jackson's footsteps as he approached her.

"Wow! That's a nice phone. When did you order it?" Jackson said. His voice made him sound calm. But when Jennie turned around, his expression seemed furious.

'He's mad again. God, I'm screwed!' Jennie thought.

"Oh, this?" She asked. Jennie then carelessly held the phone in her hand to prove to Jackson that it meant nothing to her. But Jennie could tell that her actions seemed to make him more hostile.

"I took a loan from my company and bought it." Jennie nervously replied.

"UMM! Okay!" was the only sentence Jackson said to Jennie, feeling too exhausted to care about her new phone or pay close attention to it. Without another word, Jackson dropped the yellow bag on the table.

Everything was just too much for him at this point, and he did not know how to argue anymore. Jackson could only withhold his frustration about Jennie's lies deep inside his heart. He left Jennie alone in the living room and head to the kitchen to make something to eat.