Not tonight

"I am home, hubby!" Jackson announced when he entered the living room.

The house was dark from the inside. All the light bulbs were off, the curtains were down, and closed.

"What is happening to her again? Recently Jennie has been manifesting new characters to drive me insane. I reached home. Instead of meeting a radiant wife awaiting my arrival, I found my entire home gloomy and dark. Plus, my wife is nowhere in sight. God, what is transpiring in my marriage!" Jackson cried as he turned on the lights.

He switches on the dining room light switch and sees the whole table occupied with various foods and a note.

Written on the paper were these words. "I know you have been drinking on an empty stomach, and the only food you ate from this morning till now is breakfast. So eat up and meet me in the bedroom. I love you."

Jackson felt warm inside, and yet he appeared distressed, as if Jackson had lost hold of something he thought he understood completely. Jackson pulled out a chair, sat down, and ate a bit of the chicken.

"She cooks? Jennie doesn't know how to fix a meal! When did she learn to prepare delicious food? Jennie has never made a decent meal in her life. The Jennie that I know has never cooked this well in her lifetime." He stated out of shock.

The food tasted sweet, but his heart was bitter. Jackson did not desire to cause another argument out of this, so he devoured every single dish before him. Then Jackson cleans the table, gets the dishes washed, and heads up to their room.

"Did you enjoy my surprise?" Jennie asked.

She opened her eyes when the room light came on. Jennie's eyes met his gaze, and she smiled lightly. He did not display any emotion on his face. Jackson just stood at the door, gawking at her intensely.

"Did you hear what I said?" Jennie asked, louder this time.

"Yeah, I did," he replied.

"You did what? Did you hear me, or did you like my surprise? Which is which?" She inquires as Jennie sits up.

"Both," Jackson replied.

Total silence followed his response. Jennie did not speak, and he did the same.

Jackson took his phone out of his pocket and placed it on the dresser. He removed his coat, shirt, and trousers from on his body, leaving him with underwear.

"I am going to take a shower." He declared and left for the bathroom.

His words sounded more of an information than an invitation, so Jennie did not join him, though she had not had her shower, and she was waiting on him to bathe together as a couple like the way they used to before her trip.

Jackson came out after a few minutes, dropped off his robe, and got changed into pajamas.

"If you relish my surprise, why do I have the impression that you don't appreciate it?" Jennie disputed as her husband buttoned his pajamas.

Jackson breathed and continued with what he was doing. When he finished, Jackson shifted to her with a tense smile and got in bed.

"Say something, please." Jennie continued.

"We are not doing this tonight. I told you what I had to say. If my answer does not satisfy you, then I will repeat myself. I love your food. Every dish was exquisite." Jackson replied. He picked up his book and read from where he stopped the night before.

"But?" Jennie asked.

She did not feel like letting go of this subject, considering; it was not solely about her food, but what transpired earlier that day. Jennie needs an opportunity to ask him without sounding as though she is accusing him of something. And what better way to ask your husband about another woman than starting a baseless argument?

"Jennie! What is this about?" Jackson said, snapping his book close.

Jennie put her nail in her mouth and nibbled on it nervously. He gazed at the ridiculous look in her eyes and exhaled.

"Before tonight, I embraced the fact that my wife could not cook. Remember, you burned an egg and toast once when you surprised me with a morning breakfast after our wedding night. So imagine my puzzle when I come home to a dinner table full of delicious food, and you are the one that prepared it. I believe you are keeping so much information about yourself from me, and I have to figure it out by myself. After you arrive home from your trip, there is so much I can't recognize about you." Jackson said.

Jennie assumed that she had her emotions in check for this conversation, yet his words sent so much pain to her heart.

"Who did you attend the party with the night of my arrival?" She inquired.

Jackson answered without reflecting twice. "I was at the party with Steven."

Jennie clutched her shirt tightly and bit her lower lip. She senses liquid gathering in her eyes, and her chest feels heavy. Jennie quickly pulls the blanket over her head and lies down under the cover.

"That's what I thought. I guess I am not the only one keeping secrets." She whispers as her tears roll down her eyes.

Jackson looks frustrated over what just happened. He scrolled his hand through his hair and took a deep breath.

"We can't continue our marriage in this manner. I am tired. Will you tell me what is going on, or do you intend to hold this as a secret too?" Jackson said. Jennie did not answer.

"Jennie! Babe!" He yelled, but Jackson got the same response.

"I swear I will remove this bedding off you if you don't reply." He notified her.

Jackson set his book on the desk and laid down. He did not want to offend her further. He could see that she was reacting this way because something was upsetting her, so Jackson let her off. "I love you." He said before switching the lamp off.

"There is nothing in this world that I can't do to satisfy you. If you say it, I will do it. And if you desire it, I will get it. I hope you know this, in case you have forgotten." He declared in the darkness.