The accident

Jackson stepped out of the plane, and the sunlight graced his face with its golden light.

A few minutes later, he was at the Sheltair Aviation JFK building's front entrance. His hand reached into his bag, took out his phone, and turned it on.

The moment Jackson's phone came on, it became active with messages and calls.



He ignored all of it and headed to the parking lot, paid his parking fees, and got into his car.

He placed the device into his phone holder, then played his voicemails before driving off from the airport.

"Hey Jackson, I have been calling you, and you ain't answering any of my calls."

"Hi, bro. Your phone is off, so I am leaving this voicemail. Call me when you get this."

"Hey son, why ain't you answering your phone Steven and I are worried about you. Please call one of us back, okay?"

"Hey, bro. It's Julie speaking. Steven is freaking out. I think he has given you twenty missed calls by now. Call him back, please."

"Hey man, this is Chris. I will be in the country a few hours from now, and I want to know if you are already in NY."

"Babe, I know I am the last person you want to see or hear from, but I am sorry. I am booking a flight home. Let's talk, please."


"Pay attention to where you are driving, blockhead!" The driver in the opposite lane screamed.

Jackson quickly jumped out of his thought and stirred his car wheel to the left for him to put his automobile back in the right lane.

"Sorry." He announces.

"Feel sorry for yourself. If you want to die, don't drag others down with you." Another driver screamed.

After that little incident, Jackson strives his hardest to keep his eyes focused on the road and forget about his stress.

However, once he arrived, parked his vehicle, and entered his living room, everything seemed to be rushing back like an angry sea of agony.

Jackson drops to the floor as though his leg had forgotten how to stand, and he weeps so severely until he loses his voice.

There were no more tears left in his eyes to cry, but the heartache was still there. So Jackson turned to something else to ease his pain. He built up the strength to stand up to his feet and head over to the bar.

Jackson's hand got a hold of the Marsala wine on the shelf, and he did not delay in pouring a full glass for himself.

After the third drink, Jackson felt too lazy to pour the wine into a glass, so he drank it directly from the bottle until it got empty.

"Jennie, why!" Jackson screamed, flinging the empty bottle onto the floor.

"Crash!" It landed on the tiles, and the pieces separated in all directions.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" His cried roar throughout the house.

Jackson got up from the chair. Barely able to keep his balance, he stepped upon the broken glasses and entered into the living room.

Pieces of glass fell from his shoe onto the rug as he approached the television stand. His eyes searched through various discs until he saw the one that he desires to watch.

Jackson slid the discs into the DVR and turned the TV on, then he sat on the floor, staring at the screen attentively.

"Jennie! Please look at the camera and smile. Today is your day, best friend. You are getting married."

"Susan, can you believe it? I am getting wedded to the man of my dreams."

I know, right. I am so happy for you."

Jackson weakly smiles at Susan and Jennie's little episode in their wedding clip before skipping to the next scene.

"The groom has now said his vows. Now it's the bride's turn."

"I vow to be patient, to be honest, and love you in life and death, and to share our lives until the end of time with humility, faithfulness, and respect. Today is the best day of my life, and in this moment, I pledge myself to my best friend and my love."

"Now that we have the vows, Jennie West, do you accept Jackson David to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Jackson lays his head against the sofa. His eyes slowly closed, then it opened for a brief period to see Jennie say "I do" with a smile before his eyes shut again and he fell asleep.

An hour later, Jackson woke up from his sleep and got up from the cold floor.

He gazed around the room in a confused state with dizzy eyes. The brief rest he took did little justice to relieve his pain, and now that he was awake, his memories were replaying like a music stuck on repeat.

With a deep sigh, Jackson found the strength to leave his living room and head up to their bedroom.

From the moment he walked into the room, his emotions became messed up. Jennie was everywhere. Her scent, picture, clothes, and everything else became noticeable to Jackson like he was experiencing a beautiful nightmare.

He proceeded to the bathroom, got undressed, entered the shower, and stood still, allowing the rushing warm water to dance on his skin.

It took Jackson ten minutes to drag himself out of the shower, another two to enter the room, then one to get his trousers on his body.

After staring into space for about three minutes, he lazily wore his shirt before heading back downstairs.

The bar was his last stop. He grabbed a bottle of Adobe Road Redline wine and poured himself a glass. He was about to pour out his next glass when he got another voicemail from Steven.

"Jackson, are you okay? Stop playing with me. I went to your house earlier today, but you were not there. Chris and I waited at the office for you, and now we are awaiting you at the bar. Do not be late, man. Signing this contract is everything for you, and I am not going to allow you to mess it up. Get your butt down here if you get this message."

Jackson frowned at Steven's voicemail and drank his next glass. He then drank another two glasses before grabbing his car keys and heading out of the house.

Julie was outside to get some cold air when she noticed Jackson's car parked in his yard. She rushed down the bakery stairs and ran toward his house.

"Jackson, wait up. We need to talk!" Jennie screamed, racing toward him when she saw him approaching his car.

He stopped in front of his automobile and waited for her to reach him. When Julie did, she rested her hands on her knees and breathed before standing up.

"Steven has been calling you."

"I know."

"Where are you going?"

"To meet with your boyfriend at a bar and sign some papers, then drink some booze."

"Should you be driving in your current state or be thinking about drinking?" Julie said with a frown.

She could smell the strong scent of alcohol on him. At that moment, her mind told her that he was not in a good mental state to drive, and she should call Steven.

"Can we do this chitchat some other time, I am in a hurry," Jackson mumbles.

"Wait!" Julie said, still sensing this terrible feeling in her gut that she should not allow him to leave.

"I will be fine. Remember, I once told you that drinking and driving are two separate things, and I am good at both." Jackson said with a smile before entering his car.

Julie watched Jackson's car drive off, and her eyes remained on the vehicle until it was at far range.

"Hey babe, Jackson is on his way to you. Talk to your friend when he gets there. Something is off about the way he seems," Julie said over the phone call she had made to Steven.

"Thanks, babe. I will do so."

Their call ended, and Julie when home. She entered the living room and sat on the sofa with a puzzled mind. When her favorite commercial came on, she couldn't watch it because of an uneasy feeling she had.

Ten minutes later, Julie's phone buzzed, and she answered it.

"Babe, Jackson got into an accident. An ambulance is rushing him to the hospital as we speak. I spoke with the paramedic, and she said he's not in a good state, and he got hurt severely. What am I going to do? Oh my God, this can't be happening." Steven's trembling voice echoes through her phone speaker.

The news sent a shiver into Julie's spine. She could not believe how fast all of this happened. One minute, Jackson was with her smiling and lively, and the next, he's in such a condition.

"I am on my way. Babe, please be strong for him. You can't break down now. He needs you." she said.

Julie felt like panicking, but she kept her voice stable because Steven sounded devastated on the phone call.

When the call ended, Julie did not waste a second. She ran into the shop and almost bumped into her mother.

"What's wrong with you?" Harriett asked in shock.

"Jackson was involved in an accident," Julie replied.

"Wait! What?" Louis shouted.

"I am sorry, guys. But I have to go now." Julie said before racing out of the shop.