
When Steven arrived at Jackson's room, he met Rose and the others in tears. However, he paid no mind to them as he rushed for the door, but Chris pulled him back.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Steven shouted while struggling to get his hand out of Chris's grip.

"You can't go in there, and you know it." Chris calmly said, releasing his fingers from around Steven's hand.

There was hesitation in his worried eyes for a second. Then he sluggishly walked over to the glass window and sadly gazed at the bunch of doctors and nurses, standing over Jackson.

"Why are they putting those things back on him?" Steven whispered with his hands pressed flat on the glass.

"He needs to get back on life support, son," Rose said as she stood beside him.

When her sight rested on Jackson being put on oxygen, Rose covered her mouth tightly with her hand to stop herself from crying out loud.

The hallway got awfully silent as the seconds become minutes. Then Steven turned to Rose and asked, "How did this happen? He was fine! I know that because we just talk. So why did he relapse?"

"Okay, don't get mad. Promise me that you will handle your anger." Rose softly, noticing the rage hidden behind Steven's sad eyes.

"Sure, mom. I promise."

"So Dr. Daniel..."

After Rose's explanation, Steven seemed fine and calm until the room's door opened and doctor Daniel walked out.

Then he allowed his sanity to get devoured by his anger and rushed towards the doctor before collaring and banging him against the wall.

"How the hell did you graduate from medic school when you don't know how to do your damn job!" Steven screamed.

At this point, everyone was begging him to calm down and stop. But he was too consumed by rage to hear a thing that they were saying.

"It's the patient's right to know about their health conditions." Dr. Daniel cried while struggling to break free from Steven's grip.

"Telling a patient whose wife recently cheat on him by having a child with her boss that he will not be able to have kids in the future is the most idiotic thing you could have done as a professional doctor!" Steven roared, yanking doctor Daniel with force.

"I-I-I did.. didn't know he had just experienced such a traumatic event. If I did, I wouldn't have said what I said. But, truth be told, Mr. David needed to know that the last surviving sperms that we got from the operation turned out to be dead cells. We have been holding this information from him for months, and I figure he was stable enough to handle the news."

"Well, you should have asked! His family is right here, so why the hell did you not talk to us first before going ahead and doing such a stupid thing."

"Pardon me, but Mr. David is not a kid."

A frown surfaced on Chris's face as he approached Steven and the doctor. Then he tapped Steven on the shoulder and said, "Okay, buddy, it's time to stop. It's clear that the doc was just doing his job."

It took a few minutes of hesitation before Steven's fingers could slowly let go of Dr. Daniel's shirt.

Then he sighed, holding in his cry when he turned around and saw Rose angrily staring at him.

"If this will ease your pain, I am glad to inform you that Mr. David is stable and will be taken off life support hopefully any time soon. But he not out of the critical state yet." Dr. Daniel said, with his lips shaped in an awkward smile.

"I prefer when he did not needed to be on one. But you just had to ruin that, right doc?" Steven rudely while coldly staring at the Daniel.

"Okay, that is enough!" Rose harshly said, and the entire area became still with silence.

She then walked over to Steven, grabbed him by the wrist, and angrily pulled him along with her until they were further away from everyone else.

"I know that you love your brother. But you are doing him no good by lashing out at the doctor that is trying to save him. So go home and rest yourself. I don't know what happened between you and Julie, but try to talk to her, instead of taking it out on that poor man who's just trying to do his job." Rose firmly said.

"But, Jackson needs me here," Steven argued as he looked over Rose's shoulder and stared at the transparent glass.

"No, he doesn't. I am sorry. But Jackson is not going anywhere with him hooked on all those equipments, and you need to rest yourself. I don't think I can handle you becoming ill too, so go home."

"Fine. But call me if anything happens."

"I will."

As Steven turned to leave, he stopped, pulled Rose into his arms, and mumbled, "I love you, mom. Don't worry, Jackson is strong enough to beat this. He did it once, and I trust him to do it again."

"I love you too, son. And I hope you are right. I really hope." Rose whispered in tears while gently patting Steven on his back.

The gentle evening breeze gently blew the thin curtains up, giving Julie a glimpse of the night sky each time they lifted.

She stared for a while before rounding over and facing the blank wall in her bedroom, then a sigh escaped her lips.

At that moment her phone rang, so she recklessly picked it, answered the call, and said, "Hey, mother. How are things on your end?"

"Jackson had another relapse. But he is doing okay now. However, it's Steven that you should worry about. That's why I call." Mrs. Harper's concerned voice echoed into her daughter's ear.

Fear danced in Julie's eyes as she sat up in bed with her heart rapidly beating and negative thoughts crowding her mind.

"Is he okay?" She cried, unable to hide the panic in her voice.

"Steven attacked Dr. Daniel, so no, he's not. I don't know what happened between you guys today, but what I do know is that that boy needs you right now. He's falling apart, and from what he did today, I fear that he may do something that he's gonna regret if he doesn't get that anger under control." Mrs. Harper worriedly said from the other end of the call.

"I got to go. Thank you mom for the information."

"No problem."

The moment her mother ended the call, Julie jumped out of bed, hurriedly wore her shoes, and rushed out of her room.

"This is my stop," Chloe mumbled as she blurrily stared at her home while the evening breeze blew against her face.

"That will be twenty bucks, madam." The cab driving replied, gazing at Chloe through the V-mirror.

But she wasn't listening to him. Instead, her thoughts were all she could focus on, and they kept coming one after another until she finally gave into them.

"Turn the car around. I got somewhere else to be." Chloe mumbled.

Then with a smile on her lips, she leaned back on the seat, shut her eyes, and deeply inhaled the clear evening air.

"Where to, miss?" The driver confusedly asked.

"To fix things my ex-boyfriend through any means necessary."
