Episode 4 : The Katana (3)

['Takumi Raiden' has activated the hidden skill, 'Invisible Lightning' Lv. ???.]

Even though it was invisible, Raiden's fists incandesced the area with light from his lightning.

Dashing in an incredible speed, he arrived instantly in front of the shadowy man and landed a punch, overflowing with thunderous voltages to his face.

In spite of that, the shadowy man caught his fist in which caused a collision overfilled with discharged electricity to the surrounding.

Seeing that his fist got caught, he went for a kick to the waist in an instant, but the shadowy man didn't let that happen and grabbed Raiden's leg.

Raiden wasn't fazed in the slightest as he forced his way through, estimating for something.

['Atsushi Mirai' has activated the hidden skill, 'Silk Cocoon' Lv. ???.]

['Atsushi Mirai' has activated the hidden skill, 'Venom' Lv. ???.]

['Atsushi Mirai' has combined two skills to create the combination skill, 'Venomous Cocoon'!]

Mirai who hopped off Raiden's shoulder when he dashed, transformed into her human form before launching a bombardment of orbeez size cocoons embedded with poisonous venom at the man.

She ensured not to hit both JoonChul and Raiden with her dangerous attack.

Unfortunately, her attack permeated through the shadowy man with ease, as a result, the venomous cocoons hit the pillar instead, melting half of the pillar in the process.

Enraged by her attack being evaded, she unfolded her fan that once had an aesthetic art, now replaced to a mystical flame burning from red to green.

['Atsushi Mirai' has activated the skill, 'Mother Nature's Blessing' Lv. ???.]

['Atsushi Mirai' has activated the skill, 'Mother Nature's Wrath' Lv. ???.]

She fluttered the fan in which unleashed a wave of magical energy to the men up ahead.

Raiden received an insane buff effect from the green light outline, emitting an essence of nature outside his body.

While on the other hand, there was a red light outline, horrendously shone on the shadowy man, giving him a dreadful debuff.

Mirai and Raiden locked eyes on each other for a split second. After getting the signal, Raiden began to fight back the shadowy man, forcing him to be pushed backwards little by little.

And as for Mirai, she extended her strings toward JoonChul before wrapping themselves around his body and dragging him to herself.

She got JoonChul and observed his wounds. However, the shadowy man saw this during his fight against Raiden and quickly ran to her at a terrifying speed.

Raiden predicted this would happen as he sent himself flying toward the man.

Luckily the debuff, the man had, slowed him down to the point of Raiden easily catching up to him and giving enough time for Mirai to put up a defensive shield that looked like a cobweb in front of her and JoonChul.

"Buy me some time! Rai!" Mirai shouted loudly.

Raiden heard her words and replied back. "Take care of my student!"

In that moment, Raiden sent a punch to the man's gut, flinging him upward into the air before using one of his skills.

['Takumi Raiden' has activated the hidden skill, 'Thunderstorm' Lv. ???.]

The vicinity now looked like a thunderstorm, buzzed with dangerous thunderbolts, confining the man as it was electrifying him in every second.

Not only that, the ground where Raiden stood, cracked from the electrical force he left when he jumped up to land a blow to that man's chest.

"Nobody hurt my student!" He declared loud enough for that shadowy man to hear.

Raiden's fist penetrated through the man's chest when he landed an offensive attack.

However, something strange occurred when the man's figure dissolved after the punch.

Raiden sensed an ominous foreboding and looked at the cobweb as he was falling down.

"Mimi!" He roared out.


['Atsushi Mirai' has activated the hidden skill, 'Miracle Web' Lv. ???.]

Behind the silky cobweb, Mirai healed JoonChul's wounds by placing webs on the damaged parts, the webs disappeared when the wounds were healed, on one exception, there was still the stab wound where the katana was struck inside his body.

Without any delay, Mirai grasped the katana's hilt to remove it from JoonChul's chest.

But sadly, it didn't move an inch which meant she had to apply more force to her grip.

"I hope Rai defeat that stupid guy." She grumbled, having to do all these works.

A few seconds had passed, in addition to what had happened to Raiden, the same thing appeared in front of Mirai.

The katana she was holding, dissolved itself entirely, leaving only a dark soul floating on top of JoonChul.

The soul took possession of his body even though Mirai was desperately attempting to capture it after being surprised by an unexpected soul in the katana.

She watched his body in utter failure after unsuccessfully protecting her comrade's student.

"Damn it!!" She tried to use the skill, 'Miracle Web' to extract the soul from JoonChul's body.

Usually, a soul would have been captured the moment she used that skill, but this time, it was a lot more difficult than any other souls.

Raiden quickly got close to Mirai and asked without wasting a second. "How is he?"

"Did you handle the man?" Mirai asked calmly.

"He dissolved as I was fighting him."

"The same as the katana.. Did captain ever tell you what it does?"

Feeling a bit puzzled by the sudden question, Raiden replied after a short time had passed. "No.. he just gave me.."

"How could you not know it has a soul inside it?! It just possessed JoonChul!"

"What!?!" A sense of betrayal and stupidity could be felt in his tone of voice. "B-but you and I didn't detect any souls inside it! Did captain..?"

"I do not know.. but if it's captain, then he must have foresaw this." Mirai tried to sound as calm as possible to assure Raiden that JoonChul was fine.

"Will he be fine?" He frowned upon being troubled by the question he had asked.

"Have you ever seen anyone dying when they're with me?" She became more agitated by Raiden's forgetfulness.

He sensed the wrath from Mirai's aura and swiftly answered. "Ahaha..yeah! Nobody ever dies when the prodigy is here."