Episode 9 : Repay (1)

Alaine was trying to wake HwanGi-ssi up but I stopped her.

I said while observing the room. "Let him rest. He needs it."

"Hm. Oh well." Alaine shrugged and sat down on the chair which was next to the window.

She then pulled out her daggers from her inventory, doing a stabbing motion using the daggers.

Out of a sudden, Alaine began talking, looking at her dagger with eyes full of fright. "It was scary when I first saw people murdering each other after they know about the 'Numbers'."

"..." I didn't want to respond to her because I wanted her to finish what she was talking about.

"Sure, I do hate those bastards that tried to kill him.." Alaine glanced at the sleeping HwanGi. "But I don't have the courage to kill them. Neither will he.."

I listened to her before noticing a bundle of potions glowing light of each of their colors on the table.

So I picked a potion with the red liquid inside and thought. 'HP potion but a small one. I'm guessing the other are MP and stamina recovery potions.'

Alaine slowly blinked after staring at her dagger for far too long. "But when I saw you easily killing those guys, I was.."

"Confused? Wondering why you are unwilling to kill to survive?" I interrupted her, placing back the HP potion next to the green potion which was the stamina potion.

Alaine's eyes widened for a sudden. "I think so.. It's hard to describe this feeling."

Behemoth who was having a catnap on my head when we arrived in the kingdom, woke up from the sound of glass bottles bumping on one another. "Meow.. what did I miss, Master?"

"Nothing much." I replied to Behemoth.

"By the way, why are you talking to a cat?" Alaine got off the chair and stared at me closely.

"It's a habit of mine."

"You like cats?" When Alaine asked me that, Behemoth became eager to know my answer.

I answered. "I don't have a favorite." Behemoth hissed quietly when he heard my answer. Then he whacked his tail on the back of my neck out of anger.

"I like cats, they're just so cute!"

After hearing her answer, I grabbed Behemoth and gave him to Alaine.

"Wow! So fluffy!" She started cuddling with him, patting his head and caressing his tail.

Behemoth didn't seem to mind very much and let her do what she wanted.

After playing with Behemoth, Alaine stopped for a bit. She switched her gaze to stare at HwanGi on the bed, along with poking his cheek. "Have you noticed what's wrong with HwanGi?"

"He's not okay." I said, waiting for my hidden skill to activate.

[Hidden skill, 'Player Analysation' Lv. 1 has activated.]


Name: Seong HwanGi

Age: 28

Level: 26

Health: 1,102

Mana: 203

Stamina: 982

Hidden Skills: 'Favorability' Lv. 2, 'Fast Leveling' Lv. 3, 'Divine Flame' Lv. 3

Skills: 'Swordsmanship' Lv. 3, 'Heavenly Slash' Lv. 2, 'Wave Vortex' Lv. 1


Strength Lv. 14

Agility Lv. 14

Intelligence Lv. 18

Dexterity Lv. 13

Luck Lv. 13

[Current condition is worsening from the hidden skill, 'Wither'.]


His health, mana, and stamina were slowly depleting as seconds flew by. Not just only that, the black vines were spreading at a rapid pace.

I mused. 'It made me wonder why Alaine couldn't notice the vines on HwanGi-ssi.'

"Can you help him?" Alaine had pleading eyes when she asked me.

I responded calmly. "I can't do anything."


"But my comrade might help. She'll be here soon."

"Really?! Wait.. how would she know where we are at?"

"Don't ask me questions or else I'll let HwanGi-ssi die here."

"Okay okay! Jeez.."

Speaking of comrades, I wondered if Raiden and Mirai had any luck getting the 'Numbers'.


In the south side of the forest, Mirai and Raiden were walking together.

Even though time has passed since they split up with Behemoth and their Captain, Mirai was still annoyed by the fact that she didn't get to go with her Captain.

"No fair.." Mirai murmured while pouting.

Raiden chuckled, tossing his ball of thunder up before catching it when it fell down. "Mimi, you know it's fair."

"I-it's not..!"

"Hai, hai. I won't argue with you."

The sound of a stick being stepped on alerted both of them. Due to this, they raised their guard up, getting ready if someone ambushed them.

Rustling.. Rustling..

Bushes began to rustle as if someone were running from bushes to bushes.


Like a weapon used for reaping souls, a scythe swung to the right side of Mirai.

Fortunately, Mirai blocked it by using a shell-like shield on her arm which she made from her silk.

Immediately after that, Raiden grasped the handle of the scythe to pull the enemy toward him.

And eventually, a person was flung upward.

With the appearance being covered by the black cloak, perfectly representing the grim reaper who uses a scythe.

As well as a slender body with their face being masked by a black and white mask, that person generated a portal above themselves to enter it as they were being flung up.

That person soon came out of a portal which was in front of Mirai and Raiden.

Raiden who had the scythe in his hand, wielded it. While Mirai with strings ejecting out of her fingers, shot her silks at the enemy.

"That might be a player!" Mirai exclaimed, having her strings being halted by a wall of portals.

Suddenly, a portal appeared behind Raiden. With Mirai's strings going inside the other portals, they ended up in this new portal.

Shooting stings out as if to use Mirai's attack on Raiden. However, Raiden knew this would happen, and dodged it by jumping upward.

While in mid air, Raiden dropped the scythe. He then swiftly utilized the ball of thunder he created moments ago, by throwing it at the ground beneath that person.

That person didn't think it was harmful to them since they presumed Raiden had missed his attack.

On the other hand, Raiden purposely did that so the thunder in the ground would shock upward, almost electrocuting that person.

Unexpectedly, what Raiden thought would occur, didn't happen at all. Instead, that person's reflexes were quick to the point of dodging Raiden's thunder by doing a backflip.

Mirai wanted to enclose that person into her silky cocoon, but was moment late when a portal manifested itself on the ground, allowing for the enemy to escape after they ended their backflip by landing into the portal.

They waved at Mirai and Raiden before disappearing completely.

Mirai and Raiden who were left utterly astounded by their enemy's escape, became disappointed at themselves for letting their enemy to easily escape.