Episode 13 : Her Majesty (1)


Name: Kim Asher

Age: 17

Level: 15

Health: 1100

Mana: 420

[+100 MP from Scythe's enchantment.]

Stamina: 1100

Hidden Skills: 'Wither' Lv. 2, 'Portal' Lv. 3

Skills: 'Scythe Mastery' Lv. 2, 'Reap' Lv. 2, 'Soul Charge' Lv. 1, 'Frostbite' Lv. 1, 'Glacify' Lv. 2


Strength Lv. 8

Agility Lv. 9

Intelligence Lv. 11

Dexterity Lv. 7

Luck Lv. 7


'With those kinds of skills, she might be a reaper.' I mused, chuckling after reading through their status.

Judging by how many skills this player has, she must have no problem killing a few players to get the 'Numbers', just so she could turn it into Runes and use it.

I mumbled quietly to myself. "It seems you got what you wanted, Lucifer."

'Pardon? What is it, Master?' Lucifer got confused from what I meant.

"I won't be using the Mist."

'That's great but what has changed your mind?'

"That player will be useful with those ice type skills."

'Ah, I see.'

After I finished talking with Lucifer, I shifted my gaze to Mirai and Raiden who were suddenly standing right in front of me.

Then I questioned them. "Have you both found any clues about 'her' whereabouts?"

Both of them shook their heads the moment I asked them that question.

They appeared to be disappointed or saddened with just their expressions, so I quickly patted their heads, telling them honestly. "You all did well."

"Is there anything we could do for you, Sensei?" Raiden desperately asked me, staring at me with his stunning eyes that resembled a cloudless sky through his irides.

Not only that, Mirai also joined in, glancing at me with her mesmerizing eyes which one could mistake them for Azalea flowers.

Afterwards, I just sighed while knowing that they always did this whenever they failed to do one of my requests.

Even HwanGi and Alaine were looking at this way, wondering what was going on.

"Fine.. Just as usual, you know what will occur later, right? Then better be on the lookout for 'it'. Understand?"

At that moment, they both nodded at what I said while smiling with genuine joy.

And without my consent, the end of my lips carved upward when I saw my comrades smiled.


After a long period of time..

HwanGi was observing everyone who was participating in the duel.

More importantly, he was paying close attention to that player who was wearing a black cloak with a black and white mask.

Naturally, HwanGi knew that player was the culprit who made him have a tough time with those black vines. Thus, he ought to get angry whenever he sees that lady..

On the other hand, he couldn't bring himself to hold a grudge against that lady, because he understood that everyone here was just trying their best to survive through this world.

"No, if only the 'Evil Being' didn't exist, we wouldn't have been sent here." HwanGi muttered to himself but somehow JoonChul managed to overhear that.

JoonChul grumbled in a cold tone of voice. "Don't blame the 'Evil Being'. You should be blaming the 'Creators' for not doing their works to protect everyone."

"But they must have had a difficult time fighting the 'Evil Being', that must be why they needed us humans to fight against the 'Evil Being'."

"You see what you just said, made no sense at all. Why would they send weak humans to fight against a powerful being that the 'Creators' couldn't defeat? It's like they wanted humans to stall for time when the 'Evil Being' arrives."

"...I.." HwanGi couldn't argue with that since JoonChul was right.

'Why would the 'Creators' do that?' HwanGi thought to himself, wishing to find the answer.

Out of the blue, JoonChul suggested something out of the topic to HwanGi. "HwanGi-ssi, I advise you that your sense of justice isn't needed for this world."

HwanGi was caught off guard by JoonChul's advice. "..?"

"I realize that you have the heart of a saint which also means you are a pacifist."


"You better change that if you want to live longer."

HwanGi had no words to say to JoonChul's suggestions, thus he could only stay silent and consider deeply about JoonChul's advice.


In the meantime..

'You'll get betrayal in return for your kindness if you remained a kind-hearted man.'

That's what I wanted to say to HwanGi, but I guessed I shouldn't demand something from him, since this was his choice not mine.

Later, I began watching the duel to spot more players that either have fire, ice skills or anything that could be effective against nature type.

On the contrary, it was hard to find anyone when Alaine was staring at me with her head blocking my viewpoint the whole time.

I exhaled a sigh when I became annoyed by her and started asking her. "What do you want?"

Alaine smiled joyfully, clapping her hands before telling me. "I wanted to know about what players can do in this Stage."

'Is that really it or are you just bored?' I thought, raising one of my eyebrows up while looking at Alaine's cheerful face.

With another sigh leaving my mouth, I proceeded to give Alaine a question. "Let me ask. What can the players do when they're not in the duel but rather sitting in their seats waiting for their turns to fight?"

"Hmmm? They watch the duel?" Alaine rubbed her chin to figure out what more to say.

I pointed at one of the players who was fighting against his opponent.

His opponent suddenly shot an arrow at the other's wound, rendering that other's focus to be on his wound rather than his opponent.

With no further delay, his opponent released a burst of wind to the other, launching that person high in the air.

The next thing was a rain of magical arrows showering down upon the other, piercing through that person's body like swiss cheese.

And with that, the other was unable to continue his duel and was soon teleported to his seat fully restored back to normal.

Alaine witnessed that match with her eyes widened as big as a coin before looking toward me as if wondering what I meant.

"While two players duel, the other who are sitting, will come up with a plan to kill the next winner in that match."

"That's.." Alaine was going to describe something but it seemed she forced herself not to say it.

"But they also need to worry about the other players, that is why they need to think of a plan to deal with all their opponents."

"So smart..." When Alaine was muttering, I couldn't hear what she said, thus I ignored it.

"And just like that, you could come up with a combo attack that could murder your opponents easily without trouble. Exactly like that player who just sent that person into the air and shooting down arrows."

"Woah... If I were to fight, I would have died already since I'm weak.." Alaine said this so straightforwardly that I assumed she lacked self-confidence.

To be honest, I had no intention of being nice to Alaine, what I only cared about was her usefulness for me in the future. "Why don't I give you advice?"

"What is it about..?"

"Why not become an assassin?"

Alaine was a bit puzzled as to why I said that to her when she already told me that she can't kill anyone. "No.."

"Think of the uses for those four skills of yours, 'Clone', 'Morph', 'Acting' and 'Bodyjack'. If you utilize them correctly, you might become the best assassin ever."

Alaine shook her head multiple times to disagree with my advice. Honestly, I couldn't blame her since she hasn't realized that killing is better than not killing.

But I still had another suggestion for her that might make her useful. "Then how about a spy?"

"Tell me more..!" Out of the blue, Alaine became interested by my suggestion which made me smirk a little.

"Being a spy meant that you don't have to assassinate anyone. Just by using your skills, you could go undercover and retrieve information for yourself."

"How come you can think of those ideas so easily while I couldn't figure out how to use my skills correctly?" Alaine pouted, smacking my arm nonstop because she was mad at me.

Although being smacked constantly wasn't painful at all, it was just irritating instead.

Despite all of this, I just endured this and looked through all the players, attempting to find what I needed.

All in one moment, I discovered something which shouldn't be in these early Stages. Something that wasn't meant to even exist in this worldline, was suddenly in my field of view.

'How could this be..? How did that girl get that..?!' My eyes were shaking immensely by what I was seeing and before long, I calmed myself down.

"That amulet..! I need to get it before it will doom us all." I suddenly said that out loud instead of musing it inside my mind.