Episode 16 : Helpers's Strange Sincerity (3)

As per Tanzanite's excited words, the three sisters placed their hands on top of one another and with only a few seconds later, a notification emerged in front of everyone.

[You have received 1000 coins.]

[You have received 10 Stats Points.]

[You have received 'The Shield of Mother Nature' Item.]

I didn't pay much attention toward the notifications though, thus I looked directly at the 'Helpers', waiting for them to announce the last reward of the Stage #10's compensation.

Without a doubt, I also expected people to be exhilarated from getting the rewards, it had happened so often in my past lives that I didn't get surprised by it anymore.

Just like right now, Alaine suddenly bursted out in joy, knowing that she just acquired 2000 coins in one day, including the 10 Stats Points.

Surprisingly, HwanGi seemed as though he was trying to hide his excitement a little bit but he couldn't even contain his smile from exposing.

Although I could be wrong since I have a hard time to figure out what emotions HwanGi was feeling right now, I guessed that he was overjoyed, considering everyone was as well.

'How have I not gotten good at guessing what people's expressions mean?' I exhaled a sigh as I was a bit disappointed in myself.

Anyways, it looked like the 'Helpers' finally started talking after waiting for everyone to finish checking their notifications.

Tanzanite urged Turquoise to speak with her, seeing how Turquoise didn't want to, she still agreed. "And as for the people who contributed the most while fighting against the Nature Dragon, 'Amaranth'. We would like to give you a free Hidden Skill."

Zircon smiled after watching her sisters finish talking. She then spoke with a pleasing grin on her face. "Wang JoonChul, Frostina Iclyn, Behemoth, Takumi Raiden and Atsushi Mirai."

"You must choose whichever one of you will have the free Hidden Skill reward."

Once Zircon concluded, the names listed by Zircon except me, were pointing their fingers toward me which indicated my comrades insisting on giving me the reward.

I could tell that everybody was quite astounded, including Alaine and HwanGi with their astonished expression.

'Could have used words instead of pointing at me…Silly comrades.' Despite holding it in, I found this moment to be funny and thus, I chuckled.

"Wow.. the 'Last' Player must have threatened them, judging from his face." Tanzanite laughed jokingly.

However, Zircon finding out that Tanzanite's joke may cause misunderstandings for the other players, she immediately pinched Tanzanite's ear, informing her sister. "Do not speak of something like that again."

"But I was just kidding though! I didn't mean any harm..!"

Turquoise shook her head after hearing Tanzanite's so-called joke and so she helped Zircon by dragging Tanzanite into the clouds.

"Ouch! Be gentle on the ear, sisters..!!"

While Tanzanite was being dragged away, I was holding my comrades back from lashing on the 'Helpers'.

I gave them a stare and a head shake, implying they shouldn't start a scene and that I was fine with Tanzanite being rude to me.

"Patience is key. So why don't we get them next time?" I smiled sinisterly, telling my comrades this.

HwanGi, being concerned about me, said this. "..Are you alright, JoonChul-ssi? You shouldn't think too much of that 'Helper''s words.."

"Yeah! Those 'Helpers' are mean anyways! Just think of their words as uhm.. compliment..?" Alaine as she tried her best to cheer me up, struggled.

"Thank you, HwanGi-ssi. But Alaine, what did you mean by compliment..?" Even though I understood what Alaine meant, I wanted to tease her.

Alaine tried so hard to come up with a good response. "Uh.. Because.."

But it appeared that she was saved by Zircon speaking out of a sudden. "JoonChul, I will give you a list of Hidden Skills."

Seven panels emerged in front of my eyes, unveiling all kinds of Hidden Skills on the list. Even so, once I examined the list, there were a ton of options being blanked out which showed that these skills weren't allowed to be obtainable in these early Stages.

Nevertheless, I already knew what skill I was going to pick and after a long time trying to search for the Hidden Skill I wanted, I finally discovered it and speedily pressed on that Hidden Skill without even checking its description.

Zircon asked me to confirm if I was sure of my decision. "Do you wish to have this skill? You won't be able to change it once you accept."

"I'm certain." I tapped the 'Yes' button to accept my new Hidden Skill before a message popped up.

[You have obtained the Hidden Skill, 'Blessed Needle' Lv. 1.]

'It's sad that I couldn't get other skills but this skill will be useful later on.' I thought, closing the message log and watching the seven panels of Hidden Skills disappeared the moment I acquired my skill.

During this time, Zircon was waiting patiently for me before she started informing us. "As everyone may know, there are only a few days left before the next Stage begins."

"Within your free time, you may have the pleasure to enjoy the event that is currently occurring in this town."

Zircon started to flap her wings, meaning that she was getting ready to depart.

As soon as she was leaving, she gave us a gentle smile, opening her lips to say this. "Let this event ease you from all the stress that previous stages had put on you. Have a nice day, everyone."

With that, Zircon had flown into the clouds as swift but elegant as a butterfly.

After a short moment, I glanced toward my comrades before switching my gaze over to Alaine and HwanGi.

I grinned, asking them. "Let's get out of here and enjoy the event."


After leaving the fountain area, we instantly walked to the entrance of the tavern where the event was, including the unexpected guest, Asher Kim who had followed us in spite of us telling her not to.

"I can't believe they just left without telling us what the 'Shop' does.." Alaine complained, crossing her arms together.

"Haha. What? You think it wasn't the same when it was Stage #1? Jeez, gurl." Asher chuckled at Alaine, the former even opened the 'Shop'.

Alaine didn't like how Asher just laughed, so she walked closer to HwanGi. As Alaine watched Asher tapping the air as if she was using the 'Shop', an item popped up in front of Asher.

After getting bread from the 'Shop', Asher proceeded to toss the bread over to Alaine which made the other surprised by the suddenness.

Alaine managed to catch the bread, looking at it before shifting her eyes toward Asher who was enjoying her time smirking at Alaine, even if there was a mask on Asher's face, Alaine could tell Asher was snickering at her.

Before long, Alaine was getting kind of furious over Asher's attitude. Yet, she was more puzzled as to why everyone was letting Asher walk freely beside us.

No one didn't bring up the rude attitude Asher has been showing the whole trip back to the tavern.

Alaine thought of wanting to step up and bring a stop to Asher's rudeness, but she paused herself from doing so when she suddenly witnessed JoonChul giving Asher a handshake.

With how shocking and unexpected that was, Alaine couldn't help but let her mouth drop open.

Not only that, they were starting a conversation together, introducing one another to each other.

Within a few seconds, Alaine observed this sight until she started asking HwanGi a question. "HwanGi… Do you see what I'm seeing?"

Despite the fact that HwanGi was caught off guard by the question, he still gave his reply. "Of course, I can see. They are right in front of us."

"Oh, I forgot."

"I understand what you meant. JoonChul-ssi is incredible."

"What..? Well, I guess that's true. But still, isn't she the one that almost killed you?"

"Yes, she was."

"By the way, shouldn't we tell JoonChul what Asher did to you? Also.. why aren't you doing anything?! She tried to kill you, HwanGi.."

"Alaine.. You do know that this is a safe zone, right?"

"..uh." Alaine was dumbfounded when she remembered the safe zone. So she casually changed the topic to something else. "So.. HwanGi.. What skills do you think JoonChul picked?"

HwanGi stared at JoonChul before telling Alaine. "It's difficult to figure out what JoonChul-ssi is thinking.. So I don't know."

"Yeah, I feel you."

When arriving in front of the tavern, the event was getting louder with many of the people who reside here, celebrating and being thrilled with all the fun.

Noticing how fun it was, Alaine's excitement was increasing higher and higher as she got closer.

"This is.. so awesome! There is so much delicious food!! Woah! Ooh! Even a performance!" Without HwanGi grabbing her hand to halt her from rushing in, Alaine would have wandered off into the crowd in mere seconds.

"You might get lost, so let's stick together." HwanGi spoke, letting go off Alaine's hand once she calmed down.

JoonChul nodded toward HwanGi's suggestion, saying. "I agree."